Spring 3.1 M1: Introducing @Profile

Engineering | Chris Beams | February 14, 2011 | ...


In my earlier post announcing Spring 3.1 M1, I discussed the new bean definition profiles feature as applied when using Spring <beans/> XML to configure the container. Today we'll introduce the new @Profile annotation and see how this same feature can be applied when using @Configuration classes instead of XML. Along the way we'll cover some best practices for designing @Configuration classes.

Recall @Configuration

For those unfamiliar with @Configuration classes, you can think of them as a pure-Java equivalent to Spring <beans/> XML files. We've blogged about this featureset before, and the reference documentation covers it well. You may want to revisit those resources if you need an introduction or a refresher.

As we'll see in this and subsequent posts, much attention has been given to the @Configuration approach in Spring 3.1 in order to round it out and make it a truly first-class option for those who wish to configure their applications without XML. Today's post will cover just one of these enhancements: the new @Profile annotation.

As with the previous post, I've worked up a brief sample where you can follow along and try things out for yourself. You can find it at https://github.com/cbeams/spring-3.1-profiles-java and all the details for getting set up are in the README. This sample contains both the XML-based configuration covered in the last post, as well as @Configuration classes, in the com.bank.config.xml and com.bank.config.code packages, respectively. The IntegrationTests JUnit test case has been duplicated for each package; this should help you compare and contrast the two styles of bootstrapping the container.

From XML to @Configuration

Let's dive in! Our task is simple: take the XML-based application shown previously and port it to an @Configuration style. We started the last post with an XML configuration looking like the following:

<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"

	<bean id="transferService" class="com.bank.service.internal.DefaultTransferService">
		<constructor-arg ref="accountRepository"/>
		<constructor-arg ref="feePolicy"/>

	<bean id="accountRepository" class="com.bank.repository.internal.JdbcAccountRepository">
		<constructor-arg ref="dataSource"/>

	<bean id="feePolicy" class="com.bank.service.internal.ZeroFeePolicy"/>

	<jdbc:embedded-database id="dataSource">
		<jdbc:script location="classpath:com/bank/config/sql/schema.sql"/>
		<jdbc:script location="classpath:com/bank/config/sql/test-data.sql"/>

And this is straightforward to port into a @Configuration class:


public class TransferServiceConfig {

	public TransferService transferService() {
		return new DefaultTransferService(accountRepository(), feePolicy());

	public AccountRepository accountRepository() {
		return new JdbcAccountRepository(dataSource());

	public FeePolicy feePolicy() {
		return new ZeroFeePolicy();

	public DataSource dataSource() {
		return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()

Note: The EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder is the component that underlies the <jdbc:embedded-database/> element originally used in the XML. As you can see, it's quite convenient for use within a @Bean method.

At this point, our @Configuration-based unit test would pass with the green bar:


public class IntegrationTests {

	public void transferTenDollars() throws InsufficientFundsException {

		AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();

		TransferService transferService = ctx.getBean(TransferService.class);
		AccountRepository accountRepository = ctx.getBean(AccountRepository.class);

		assertThat(accountRepository.findById("A123").getBalance(), equalTo(100.00));
		assertThat(accountRepository.findById("C456").getBalance(), equalTo(0.00));

		transferService.transfer(10.00, "A123", "C456");

		assertThat(accountRepository.findById("A123").getBalance(), equalTo(90.00));
		assertThat(accountRepository.findById("C456").getBalance(), equalTo(10.00));


AnnotationConfigApplicationContext is used above, which allows for direct registration of @Configuration and other @Component-annotated classes. This leaves us with a string-free and type-safe way of configuring the container. There's no XML, which is great, but at this point our application suffers from the same problem we saw in the first post: when the application is deployed into production, a standalone datasource won't make sense. It will need to be looked up from JNDI.

This is no problem. Let's break the embedded- and JNDI-based datasources out into their own dedicated @Configuration classes:


public class StandaloneDataConfig {

	public DataSource dataSource() {
		return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()



public class JndiDataConfig {

	public DataSource dataSource() throws Exception {
		Context ctx = new InitialContext();
		return (DataSource) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/datasource");


At this point we have declared the two different DataSource beans within their own @Profile-annotated @Configuration classes. Just as with XML, these classes and the @Bean methods within them will be skipped or processed based on which Spring profiles are currently active. However, before we can see that in action, we first need to finish our refactoring. We've split out the two possible DataSource beans but how can we reference them method from within TransferServiceConfig -- specifically it's accountRepository() method? We have a couple of options, and both begin with understanding that @Configuration classes are candidates for @Autowired injection. This is because, in the end, @Configuration objects are managed as "just another Spring bean" in the container. Let's take a look:


public class TransferServiceConfig {

	@Autowired DataSource dataSource;

	public TransferService transferService() {
		return new DefaultTransferService(accountRepository(), feePolicy());

	public AccountRepository accountRepository() {
		return new JdbcAccountRepository(dataSource);

	public FeePolicy feePolicy() {
		return new ZeroFeePolicy();


With the use of the @Autowired annotation above, we've asked the Spring container to inject the bean of type DataSource for us, regardless of where it was declared -- in XML, in a @Configuration class, or otherwise. Then in the accountRepository() method, the injected dataSource field is simply referenced. This is one way of acheiving modularity between @Configuration classes, and is conceptually not unlike ref-style references between two <bean> elements declared in different XML files.

The final step in our refactoring is be to update the unit test to bootstrap not only TransferServiceConfig, but also the JNDI and standalone @Configuration variants of our DataSource bean:


public class IntegrationTests {
	public void transferTenDollars() throws InsufficientFundsException {
		AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();
		ctx.register(TransferServiceConfig.class, StandaloneDataConfig.class, JndiDataConfig.class);

		// proceed with assertions as above ...

Now all of our @Configuration classes are available to the container at bootstrap time, and based on the profiles active ("dev" in this case), @Profile-annotated classes and their beans will be processed or skipped. As a quick note, you could avoid listing out each @Configuration class above and instead tell AnnotationConfigApplicationContext to simply scan the entire .config package, detecting all of our classes in one fell swoop. This is the loose equivalent of loading Spring XML files based on a wildcard (e.g., **/*-config.xml):

		AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext();
		ctx.scan("com.bank.config.code"); // find and register all @Configuration classes within

However you choose to register your @Configuration classes, at this point our task is complete! We've ported our configuration from Spring <beans/> XML to @Configuration classes and bootstrapped the container directly from those classes using AnnotationConfigApplicationContext.

Further improving @Configuration class structure

Everything works in our application and the JUnit bar is green, but there's still room for improvement. Recall how a DataSource bean was @Autowired into TransferServiceConfig? This works well, but it's not terribly clear where the bean came from. As mentioned above, it could be from XML, or from any other @Configuration class. The technique I'll describe below introduces object-oriented configuration and should further our goals of having a natural Java-based configuration -- one that can take full advantage of the power of your IDE.

If we think about StandaloneDataConfig and JndiDataConfig, they're really two clases of the same kind, in that they both declare a method with the following signature:

		public DataSource dataSource();

All that's missing, it seems, is an interface unifying the two. Let's introduce one -- we'll see why shortly below:


interface DataConfig {
	DataSource dataSource();

And of course update the two @Configuration classes to implement this new interface:

public class StandaloneDataConfig implements DataConfig { ... }

public class JndiDataConfig implements DataConfig { ... }

What does this buy us? Just like we @Autowired the DataSource bean directly into TransferServiceConfig, we an also inject @Configuration instances themselves. Let's see this in action:


public class TransferServiceConfig {

	@Autowired DataConfig dataConfig;

	// ...

	public AccountRepository accountRepository() {
		return new JdbcAccountRepository(dataConfig.dataSource());

	// ...

This allows us full navigability through the codebase using the IDE. The screenshot below shows the result of pressing CTRL-T on the invocation of dataConfig.dataSource() to get a "Quick Hierarchy" hover:

Quick implementation hierarchy for DataConfig.dataSource()

It's now very easy to ask the question "where was the DataSource bean defined?" and have the answer constrained to a set of types implementing DataConfig. Not bad if we're trying to do things in a way that is as familiar and useful to Java developers as possible.

More advanced use of @Profile

Worth a quick mention is that like many Spring annotations, @Profile may be used as a meta-annotation. This means that you may define your own custom annotations, mark them with @Profile, and Spring will still detect the presence of the @Profile annotation as if it had been declared directly.

package com.bank.annotation;

pubilc @interface Dev {

This allows us to mark our @Component classes with the new custom @Dev annotation, rather than being required to use Spring's @Profile:

@Dev @Component
public class MyDevService { ... }

Or, from the examples above, marking our StandaloneDataConfig with @Dev would work too:

@Dev @Configuration
public class StandaloneDataConfig { ... }


Spring 3.1's bean definition profiles feature is supported fully across the XML and @Configuration styles. Whichever style you prefer, we hope you'll find profiles useful. Keep the feedback coming, as it'll have direct impact on 3.1 M2 which is just around the corner. In the next post we'll take a deeper look at Spring's new Environment abstraction and how it helps with regard to managing configuration properties in your applications. Stay tuned!

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