Ben Corrie

Blog posts by Ben Corrie

Deploying GWT Applications in SpringSource dm Server - Part 3

Engineering | December 19, 2008 | ...


This is the final blog in a series of three describing a step-by-step approach to building and deploying GWT applications in the SpringSource dm Server™. The first blog looked at the process of creating a simple WAR file from a sample GWT application and the second blog turned the GWT dependencies into an OSGi bundle which can be shared across multiple applications. This final blog will further modularize our GWT sample into OSGi services using Spring Dynamic Modules. This should clearly demonstrate the benefits of OSGi modularity: The ability to remove and replace services at runtime, seamlessly managing multiple versions of bundles and how straightforward it is to deploy and manage using dm Server.

This is the only blog in the series to actually use the Spring Framework. Spring is used to configure the Spring Dynamic Modules and publish and consume the OSGi services. It also demonstrates one mechanism of bridging the world of Spring-managed beans with GWT remoting. However, I'm well aware that Spring/GWT integration is a significant topic in itself, so I'm purposefully keeping to the one simple solution here.

Please see Part 1 for the background to the GWT StockWatcher sample and the software I'm using.

Also note that you can skip all these tedious instructions and zoom on down to the…

Deploying GWT Applications in SpringSource dm Server - Part 2

Engineering | November 24, 2008 | ...


This is the second in a series of three blogs describing a step-by-step approach to building and deploying GWT applications in the SpringSource dm Server™. The first blog looked at the process of creating a simple WAR file from a sample GWT application. This next blog will look at turning the WAR file we created in Part 1 into a "Shared Libraries" WAR. This means that we are going to externalize the GWT dependencies of our application into an OSGi bundle so that it can be shared by any number of GWT applications. You can think of it as extending our dm Server with GWT remoting capabilities.

As mentioned in Part 1, I am not using the Spring Framework in this second blog posting, rather I am focusing on the SpringSource dm Server™ and SpringSource Tool Suite to deploy "pure" GWT.

Please also see Part 1 for the background to the GWT StockWatcher sample and the software I'm using.

Quick Catch Up

In Part 1, we built the GWT StockWatcher sample application from scratch as an Eclipse project and then generated the code into a Dynamic Web project which we then deployed into dm Server. Finally, we exported the Dynamic Web project into a WAR file and deployed it outside of STS.

The step by step approach described here will build on what we did in Part 1, rather than start over. The only thing we did in Part 1 that we're now going to change is to remove the explicit dependency on the gwt-servlet.jar library.

Step 1: Turn our GWT dependency into a OSGi bundle

Firstly, a little more background. The whole concept of the "Shared Libraries" approach is to create a map of dependencies within the dm Server using explicit imports and exports between OSGi bundles. With a small WAR such as our StockWatcher sample, this is mostly just an interesting academic exercise. However, given that many commercial web projects ship in large WAR files which are packaged with tens or even hundreds of dependent jar files, breaking out these dependencies into shareable resources not only makes sense from a footprint perspective, but also makes the packaging, versioning and maintenance of the applications significantly less painful.

The good news is that much of work to create these dependencies has already been done for you. The SpringSource Enterprise Bundle Repository contains "bundlized" versions of most common libraries. However, at the time of writing, our GWT dependency is an example of a library that you have to turn into a bundle…

Deploying GWT Applications in SpringSource dm Server - Part 1

Engineering | November 07, 2008 | ...


This will be a series of 3 blogs describing a step-by-step approach to building and deploying GWT applications in the SpringSource dm Server™. The focus of the blogs will be as follows:
  1. Building and deploying the GWT StockWatcher sample app as a WAR file in dm Server, using the SpringSource Tool Suite to build it from scratch.
  2. Deploying with a "Shared Libraries" approach: How to remove the GWT dependencies from the WAR and deploy them as an OSGi bundle in dm Server.
  3. Deploying with a "Shared Services" approach: We convert the single WAR file into OSGi services which can be shared by other applications and hot-swapped out.
It is worth noting that I am not using the Spring Framework anywhere in these first two blogs. Integration between Spring and GWT is a subject in itself and I want to try to keep each blog as focused as possible. In the third blog, I will show how to use Spring to publish and consume OSGi services and how this can be integrated with GWT.


The blog will take a practical step-by-step approach to building the GWT StockWatcher sample described here. The Google tutorial takes you through the steps required to build a GWT sample from scratch using RPC. I will be referring to pages in the tutorial as we go through and discussing the advantages/disadvantages to various approaches.

The blog assumes that you have an install of SpringSource Tool Suite 1.1.1 (I'm using the Eclipse 3.4 version),  dm Server 1.0.0 and GWT 1.5. It also assumes that you have a good understanding of Java programming and a basic understanding of Javascript and Ajax.

For the purposes of the paths used in the demo, I created a new Eclipse workspace at /Users/bcorrie/gwt/workspace. I have included zipped up projects you can download below, which contain a GWT_ROOT_INSTALL variable I have defined. To use my projects, when you import them navigate to "Preferences" -> "Java" -> "Build Path" -> "Classpath Variables" and define your own GWT_ROOT_INSTALL

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