Brian Dussault

Brian Dussault

Blog posts by Brian Dussault

Legacy forums will be shutdown February 28

News | February 06, 2019 | ...

In 2014, we announced the retirement of our legacy forum,, in favor of providing an improved community experience on As part of that announcement, we put our forum into read-only mode, preserving forum posts that were referenced in various Spring issue trackers.

On February 28, 2019, we plan to take the forum completely offline. In preparation for this end-of-life activity, we have gone through our issue trackers and identified links to that contain supplementary information related to an issue. Based on this analysis, we have either copied…

Java Doesn’t Suck - Rockin' the JVM

Engineering | February 11, 2015 | ...

Recently James Ward wrote a great blog post, “Java Doesn’t Suck – You’re Just Using it Wrong”, which highlighted numerous challenges that enterprise Java developers face in their daily routines building Java applications. The good news is that breaking out of the development rut is much easier than you may think. Over the last few years, Spring has redefined how modern Java applications are built while dramatically improving development velocity. In this post, I’ll use James Ward’s blog post as a backdrop to explain how Spring helps developers rock the JVM (using Java) while tackling each of…

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