Cédric Champeau

Cédric Champeau

Blog posts by Cédric Champeau

Using the innovative Groovy template engine in Spring Boot

Engineering | May 28, 2014 | ...

With the release of Spring Boot 1.1.0.M2 came the support for the new template engine that Groovy 2.3 provides. In this post, we will describe the benefits of using such an engine and of course how you can use it in Boot.

All the source code in this post is available on GitHub, so feel free to clone the repository and give it a try:

git clone https://github.com/melix/springboot-groovytemplates.git
cd springboot-groovytemplates
./gradlew run

Then open your browser on http://localhost:8080

This application is fully written in Groovy and also makes use of GORM for Boot, but it is of course…

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