Alan Stewart

Blog posts by Alan Stewart

Spring Roo 1.2.3.RELEASE available

Engineering | December 18, 2012 | ...

The Spring Roo team is pleased to announce the availability 1.2.3.RELEASE.  This is the third maintenance release for 1.2 and includes fixes for a number of issues and includes support for Spring Framework 3.2.0. Please see the change log for a list of the bugs and improvements completed.

I hope you enjoy this new release!


Spring Roo Project Lead

Spring Roo 1.2.2.RELEASE available

Engineering | May 28, 2012 | ...

The Spring Roo team is pleased to announce the availability 1.2.2.RELEASE.  This is the second maintenance release for 1.2 and includes fixes for a number of issues and includes support for Spring Framework 3.1.1 and JDK 7.  Roo 1.2.2 also includes the excellent new "tailor" feature provided by our new partner, Accenture.

I hope you enjoy this new release!


Spring Roo Project Lead

Spring Roo 1.2.1.RELEASE available

Engineering | February 11, 2012 | ...

The Spring Roo team is pleased to announce the availability 1.2.1.RELEASE.  This is the first maintenance release for 1.2 and includes fixes for a number of issues in multi-module Maven support and JSF/PrimeFaces.  It also has  performance enhancements and has been updated to support the recent release of PrimeFaces 3.1 and Google App Engine 1.6.2.

Please note that to keep the distribution size small we have not included the reference documentation in the zip for this and future releases. The documentation, as always,  can be found on the Spring Roo site.



Spring Roo Project Lead

Spring Roo 1.2.0.RELEASE available

Engineering | December 17, 2011 | ...

It is my pleasure to announce that Spring Roo 1.2 GA has just been released. This release represents a significant amount of engineering effort by the Roo team and includes all the most popular features that the Roo user community have requested as well as many performance and usability improvements. The new features of Roo 1.2.0 are:

  • Apache 2.0 licensed
  • Multi-module Maven project support
  • JSF / PrimeFaces scaffolding
  • Services / repositories (using Spring Data JPA and Spring Data MongoDB)
  • Database reverse engineering multi-schema support
  • Flexible GWT support
  • Shell usability improvements
In my next blog coming soon, I will detail the new commands available to use these exciting new features.

Alan Stewart Spring Roo Project Lead

Spring Roo 1.2.0.RC1 released

Engineering | November 24, 2011 | ...

The Spring Roo team is delighted to announce the availability of 1.2.0 Release Candidate 1. The Roo 1.2.0.RC1 release follows on from M1 and includes two exciting new features:

  • Multi-module Maven project support. This is the Roo community's most popular and most voted for feature (ROO-120). You can now create projects with a parent POM and as many project modules as you wish. For example, you can put your domain model in one module and separate out your UI code such as MVC or GWT, into their own modules.  Full documentation on this feature will be available in the general availability release of Roo 1.2.0 later this year.
  • JSF 2.0/PrimeFaces 3. The second most popular community feature and most asked for feature in the recent Roo survey - JSF 2.0/PrimeFaces support (ROO-516). You can now scaffold high-quality JSF applications utilizing the stunning components from the PrimeFaces 3.0 component library. Full round-tripping of code, switching between JSF 2.0 implementations (Oracle Mojarra or Apache MyFaces), and PrimeFaces theme selection via a Roo command are supported.

We have also enhanced our Roo annotations to give you more flexibility over the way you configure your persistence layer:

  • No need to have the "Active Record"-pattern persistence code in your domain objects any longer. The new @RooJpaEntity annotation ensures only the @Entity, @Id, and @Version fields and methods are created and maintained by Roo, with no CRUD methods. Classes annotated with @RooJpaEntity are intended to be used with Roo's JPA repository and service layering features.
  • The old @RooEntity annotation has been renamed to @RooJpaActiveRecord and is still the default when creating entities and will introduce the same CRUD methods as before.
  • Use RC1 in existing Roo projects? - easy, simply rename your @RooEntity annotations to @RooJpaActiveRecord and use the organize imports feature in STS or Eclipse to resolve the imports.
Please remember this is a release candidate release, so you should keep using Roo 1.1.5 for production projects. However, we encourage you to test this new release as we want to get 1.2.0.RELEASE to you as soon as possible.

We hope you enjoy this new release. Please share your experiences via the community forum, follow @SpringRoo for the latest news, or use #springroo in your tweets

Alan Stewart, Project Lead - Spring Roo

Spring Roo 1.2.0.M1 released

Engineering | September 14, 2011 | ...

The Spring Roo team is delighted to announce the availability of our first 1.2.0 milestone. The Roo 1.2.0.M1 release continues the Roo vision of making it fast and easy to build Spring-based enterprise Java applications. We’ve listened to the community and included in this release some of the most highly-requested features:

  • Ten times faster (!). We know many people are using Roo for very large projects, so we’ve continued our attention to Roo internals to ensure it operates smoothly and quickly despite this. Through attention to profiling, file monitoring, disk I/O, XML models and round-tripping, we’ve increased Roo’s performance for large benchmark projects by a factor of 10.
  • Now Apache licensed. With Roo 1.0/1.1, we used the GPL license to encourage any improvements made in Roo to be shared with the community. In response to feedback, we’ve shifted to the Apache Software License 2 (ROO-2253) so you have complete flexibility on how you use Roo in commercial and non-commercial projects. This also makes Roo consistent with most of the other Spring projects.
  • Moved to GitHub. Social coding is on the rise, and GitHub has become the de facto site for open source source code management. We’re pleased to have moved Roo’s code base to GitHub so that you can easily fork it, make changes, and submit pull requests. This will greatly simplify the receipt of new contributions from the community. Take a look at ROO-2708 or visit for more info.
  • Repository layer flexibility. It’s now possible to define your own repository layer approach, with full awareness of your choices in the Roo-managed web tiers, integration tests and data-on-demand mechanisms. This is a significant step forward for those preferring a more traditional layering approach than the Roo 1.0/1.1 “Active Record”-like model. Of course the philosophy that favoured the earlier approach remains, so Roo still fully supports embedding convenient Active Record-style methods in entities. You can learn more about this new feature in the Pizza-Shop sample (see the /samples directory of the distribution) and ROO-301.
  • Services layers. We also decided to tackle another highly-requested community feature: services layer support. You can now easily add a services layer (via a Roo "service" command) and have this used by the Roo-managed web tiers, integration tests and data-on-demand features. The custom services layers can also be used at the same time as custom repositories, giving you complete flexibility to build whichever application layering you prefer. You can read more in ROO-340 and Stefan Schmidt is publishing a blog shortly giving more details.
  • Flexible GWT support.  Now you can skip the UI and just let Roo manage syncing your RequestFactory classes (EntityProxy, RequestContext, and Locator) with your domain model and service layers. Previously the GWT UI scaffolding was mandatory, but with 1.2.0.M1 you can be more selective on how Roo integrates with your project.
  • MongoDB support. Whether you’re a Cloud Foundry user, or just a Mongo fan, we’ve now added support for storing your entities in MongoDB. Mongo is a fast, shard-aware, schema-less document database that supports map-reduce and is a good fit for those wanting to use noSQL with Roo. Learn more in ROO-2693.
  • Database Reverse Engineering (DBRE) Multi-Schema Support. One of the most popular features in Roo is DBRE support, which allows you to not only scaffold an entity model from your relational schema, but also automatically maintain that entity layer as the schema changes. This takes a schema-first approach to development and we know of users employing DBRE in projects with many hundreds of tables. As part of ROO-1408 we’ve added support for DBRE sourcing its structure from multiple schemas at the same time, and indeed you can even have different schemas manage entities in different Java packages.
  • Shell improvements. Lots of people enjoy Roo's usability and indeed the shell has found its way to many other VMware products. We’re pleased that a number of minor fixes have made its way into JLine 1.0 (ROO-2608) and in turn the Roo shell (such as backspace to a previous line will finally work!). You can also run operating system commands directly from the Roo shell via the “!” operator (ROO-2457) and shell on start up now displays the latest community tweets  (ROO-2677).

As you can see, we’ve made a lot of enhancements to Roo 1.2 and look forward to your feedback. We’ve got many exciting new features still coming in the next Roo 1.2 milestone, including JSF/PrimeFaces (ROO-516) support and multi-module Maven (ROO-120) project support. These two are also highly-requested community features.

Please remember this is a milestone release, so you should keep using Roo 1.1.5 for production projects. However, you might like exploring these new features in Roo 1.2.0.M1 by experimenting with the included sample projects.

We hope you enjoy this new release. Please share your experiences via the community forum, follow @SpringRoo for the latest news, or use #springroo in your tweets

Alan Stewart, Project Lead - Spring Roo

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