Spring Web Flow 1.0.1 Released

Releases | Keith Donald | January 11, 2007 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce that Spring Web Flow 1.0.1 has been released.


Spring Web Flow is a next generation Java web application controller framework that allows developers to model user actions as high-level modules called flows.  The framework delivers improved productivity and testability while providing a strong solution to enforcing navigation rules and managing application state.

Release Notes

Spring Web Flow 1.0 saw over 10,000 downloads in a two month period and is used heavily within Fortune 500 companies.  This is the first 1.0 maintenance release, including fixes for bugs that have been reported since 1.0 final, as well as introducing several minor enhancements. Please see the changelog for all the details.

Getting Started

The best way to get started with Spring Web Flow is to download the release, read Erwin's practical introduction, and walk through the sample applications.  We recommend reviewing all samples, starting with Phonebook, supplementing with reference manual material as needed. Ten sample applications ship with the release, each demonstrating a distinct set of product features.


Keith Donald and Erwin Vervaet
Spring Web Flow Project Leads

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