Download the \"Spring in Production\" white paper

Engineering | Adrian Colyer | November 09, 2007 | ...

We recently hosted a webinar on the theme of "Spring in Production." I promised then to make the recording of the webinar and accompanying slides available on our website. Unfortunately the engineers producing the webinar for us forgot to set the 'record' flag, so I need to re-record the session for you :(. I'm traveling at the moment but I'll try to do that and make it available as soon as I can.

The good news is that there's no need for you to miss out in the meantime. I wrote a white paper on the topic of "Spring in Production" that covers the material from the webinar and more besides. This white paper is available right now for download.

In the white paper I describe Spring from the runtime perspective: there's lots of documentation available on Spring's programming and configuration models, but very little written to date that explains what Spring does at runtime and how it manages the request processing pipeline. You'll learn about the Spring kernel and the enterprise services layer that sits on top of it, and how these co-operate to manage Spring-powered applications. My favorite part of the white paper though is the section on tuning Spring-powered applications. I asked many of my colleagues at Interface21 for their hints and tips on how to get the most out of a Spring-powered application in a production setting, and this priceless advice is distilled into over 25 recommendations and suggestions. In this part of the white paper you will:

  • learn how to establish an effective blueprint for your application that takes full advantage of your deployment platform
  • discover many tips for creating effective application designs in both OLTP and batch scenarios, and
  • pick up some great ideas on exposing configuration data through JMX and for integrating statistics into your testing
I encourage you to download a copy of the white paper now and let us know what you think. Interface21 white papers are freely available, but we do ask that you register your interest first. What are your hints and tips for putting Spring-powered applications into production?

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