This week in Spring: March 8th, 2011

Engineering | Josh Long | March 08, 2011 | ...

This week has seen yet another flurry of exciting new releases and updates, great community content and the exciting announcement welcoming WaveMaker to the SpringSource family.

  1. Rod Johnson announced the acquisition of WaveMaker today in the SpringSource blog. WaveMaker is a widely used graphical tool that enables non-expert developers to build web applications quickly. From the post: "While WaveMaker is already part of the Spring ecosystem, it will now become an integral part of the Spring family and VMware's cloud strategy. All of WaveMaker's staff will be joining VMware." Exciting news! Be sure to check out the post for all the details.

  2. Craig Walls announced the M2 of the Spring Social project last week and this week provided a great look at the Social Service Provider framework in Spring Social. Exciting stuff, and any that wishes to interoperate with this framework - either because you want to consume a social network's API or you want to provide a Spring Social binding for your network's API - should definitely read this blog

  3. The Tomcat Expert community just announced that Tomcat 7.0.10 has been released. The new update includes several bug fixes and security fixes, as well as a few cool features.
  4. In the second installment of a blog tutorial introducing Spring Web Services, blogger "panbhatt" introduces JAXB and the Spring OXML (object-to-XML) marhsalling framework.
  5. Ravindra Rawat introduces a

    cool movie-recommendation application using Spring Data and Redis, complete with sample code on Github! This is very cool! If you're at all curious as to the power of some of the NoSQL solutions, then usable, relatable everyday applications like this one ought to assuage your curiosity!

  6. Chad Lung at the Giant Flying Saucer blog

    introduces a 5 minute tutorial to starting a Spring MVC project by using the free SpringSource Tool Suite. I like this blog, but I have one small complaint: I followed his steps and it only took 3 minutes! :-)

  7. had a great introduction to all the new features in Spring WebServices 2.0. It's one thing to make a claim - in this case that Spring WS is the "Best Java Stack for SOAP-based Web Services" - but this article also provdes it

    while providing a good introduction to Spring Web Services, in general. Nice job!

  8. This post demonstrates

    how to integrate a Spring Roo Vaadin form into Magnolia CMS. Vaadin is a web framework that takes the GWT programming paradigm to its logical extreme, and can make a very compelling alternative to traditional, component-centric, server-side frameworks like JSF.

  9. While I was wading through all the Spring Data content for this week's roundup, I discovered, in a roundabout way, that that Emil Eifrém's amazing talk introducing Spring Data from the Oredev conference last year was up! Emil Eifrém is the CEO of Neo Technology, and the founder of the Neo4j graph database project.
  10. Moez Ben Rhouma, who also previously demonstrated integrating Spring Security with ExtJS,

    demonstrates how to setup Spring Security 3 with Wicket. Pretty cool!

  11. Want a look inside Apress' Spring Persistence with Hibernate book? Read this book review

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