This week in Spring: March 15th, 2011

Engineering | Adam Fitzgerald | March 16, 2011 | ...

Another great week for good, deep content. Most of the items on the list this week are best enjoyed with a nice cup of coffee and a nice, comfy chair. :-) Enjoy!

  1. SpringSource will be presenting a free webinar - Getting Started with Spring and SpringSource Tool Suite - this Thursday. The presentation will give experienced folks a look at some of the new methodologies, and will give newcomers to the technology a chance to get started with it and move quickly into productive application development. Additionally, attendees will have a chance to ask questions of the presenter and panelists. The webinar will be presented twice, once for Europe, and once for North America. I hope to see you there!
  2. Spring MVC lead Keith Donald's video introducing Spring MVC 3 from SpringOne2GX is up on Great video with lots of information in just 90 short minutes. Check it out!
  3. Craig Walls posts this week on Extending Spring Social's Service Provider Framework, this time introducing an example integration with the Netflix API. Very informative post, and inspiring - I couldn't help but have exciting ideas for applications pop into my head when I was reading it.
  4. This VMware whitepaper provides a pretty good look at the migrating from a Java EE application server to the leaner, more powerful SpringSource tcServer. It makes for some fascinating reading - and highlights some very interesting information. Check it out!
  5. 	<li>The whitepaper exploring a migration from a Java EE application to tcServer has a companion <a href="">in this VMware</a> whitepaper,  that talks about the migration from Tomcat to tcServer. Pretty exciting!
  6. This blog post introduces high thoroughput, asynchronous Servlet 3.0 applications. The post is useful for people using Tomcat or tcServer, particularly, because they represent the largest Servlet 3.0-compatible install base, by far.

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