Spring AMQP 1.0 GA released

Releases | Mark Fisher | August 25, 2011 | ...

We are pleased to announce that Spring AMQP 1.0 GA (for Java) has been released! You can find links to all of the resources (documentation, samples, source code, forum, issue tracker, etc) at the Spring AMQP Home Page. The artifacts are available in the SpringSource Maven repository as well as Maven Central.

This project has been extremely popular during its milestone and release-candidate phases, and we would like to thank those of you in the community who have provided valuable feedback and raised JIRA issues along the way. We are looking forward to watching the community grow even more now that we have a GA release.

Be sure to checkout the recently announced RabbitMQ service on Cloud Foundry along with this tutorial and this blog that show how to use Spring AMQP within your cloud applications.

For those of you using the Spring Integration AMQP adapters, we will be releasing the first milestone of Spring Integration 2.1 that includes those adapters within the next few days. We have added a brand new sample demonstrating those adapters.

Cheers! the Spring AMQP team

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