Video: SpringOne 2GX - Making the Mobile Web Native with PhoneGap

News | Adam Fitzgerald | December 19, 2011 | ...

SpringOne 2GX Video: Making the Mobile Web Native with PhoneGap

Here is more great content from SpringOne 2GX 2011, this time a detailed follow-up to the mobile demonstrations in the technical keynote. This video presentation is by Keith Donald and Roy Clarkson, who have been doing the advanced web work for Spring. In Making the Mobile Web Native with PhoneGap Keith and Roy cover:

  • The emergence of HTML 5 based applications as a way to do cross platform mobile development
  • PhoneGap APIs and Plugins for development that combine HTML 5 with native Android and iOS capabilities
  • PhoneGap build process and remote debugging
  • A complete walk-through for the Spring html5expense sample application

Many thanks to InfoQ for coming to Chicago to record so many of the fantastic SpringOne 2GX presentations.

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