This Week in Spring, January 17th, 2012

Engineering | Josh Long | January 17, 2012 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring. We've got a lot of good content to look at this week, so let's get on with it.

  1. Pssst. What are you guys doing this Thursday, the 19th? If you haven't already, may I suggest you register for the Spring 3.1 webinar with Juergen Hoeller and Chris Beams?
    		If you're in Europe,  there's going to be a  webinar  at <a href = "">3PM GMT, or 4PM CEST</a>, and if you're in North America, there's going to be a webinar at <a href = "">1PM EST or 10AM PST</a>. 
    		 Don't be left out, this event's already seen the highest registration of any webinar thus far, so register now, and as usual, I hope to see you there. 
    	<LI> Another session from SpringOne2GX, on <a href = "">Writing Applications for Cloud Foundry using Spring and MongoDB</a>, has been posted.  The Spring material is presented by data expert Thomas Risberg and the Mongo material is presented by Jared Rosoff from 10gen.  </LI>
    <LI>  Willie Wheeler, author of Manning's <EM>Spring in Practice</EM>, has put together a great blog post called <a href ="">Calling the GitHub API using Spring's <CODE>RestTemplate</CODE>.</a>    
    	 Craig Walls, author of Manning's own <EM>Spring in Action</EM> and lead of the <a href ="">Spring Social Github project</a> read this blog post and reached out to Willie. They started collaborating. A few <a href ="">pull requests</a> later and that integrated, cleaned up idea and code is now in Spring Social Github <CODE>master</CODE>, ready to be incorporated in the next release. That's three days from blog to <CODE>master</CODE>! This is a great example of how powerful open source is. Don't hesitate <a href= "">to get involved</a>, too!
    		<LI> <a href= "">Cloud Foundry has just announced support for Manifests</a>, which contain deployment information for an application.  These manifests can be used to remove many of the tedious interactive prompts encountered when deploying an application using the <CODE>vmc</CODE> tool making deployments much more reproducible.  </LI>    
    		<LI> Additionally the Cloud Foundry group has also announced support for installing and running  the <a href = "">Java-based Jasper Reports server as a service  on Cloud Foundry</a>.   
    	 Willie Wheeler's been busy, of late!  Some content from his  upcoming book is available on the internet.  In particular,  <a href= "">Creating Your First Spring MVC applications</A> is really good, and worth a read.  He also has another post, <A href = "">
    	 Making <CODE>&lt;form:select/&gt;</CODE> work nicely using Spring 3 Formatters</a>, that is <EM>definitely</EM> worth a read! It answers a very common question and shows the latest and greatest in best practices. Nice job, Willie!
    <LI>  The Rai Studies blog has a few great posts this week, including a post on <a href = "">Using Spring MVC 3   with JQuery's Ajax support</a>   and  a post on 
    	<a href = "">File Uploads Using Spring MVC 3</a>. </li>
    <li> Possibly inspired by the <a href = "">Cloud Foundry add-on for Spring Roo</a>, Shekhar Gulati at Xebia has cooked up another PaaS add-on, <a href= "">this time for Openshift</a>. 
    	This is a great example of Spring Roo's powerful addon mechanism and the ecosystem thats grown up around it.   If Spring Roo doesn't have something for you, <a href = "">it's easy enough to extend it</a>! Readers of this blog will recall that Shekhar wrote the great blogs introducing Spring Roo on his <a href = ",">IBM Developer Works series</a>, which, if you didn't read it then, you should read now. 
    	<LI> Ashish Sarin, author of the <EM>Spring Roo Cookbook</EM>, has put some great content up on <A href = "">Adding Dynamic Finder Methods in Spring Roo</a>.  </li> 
      <LI>  The <a href = ""></a> site has a great <a href = "">roundup of some of the  great content from 2011</a>.  </LI>
    		<LI> Over on the Apache Tomcat mailing list comes news of <A href= "">an update to Apache Tomcat 6 and 7 designed to fix a severe DoS attack</a>.  Please consult the post for information on the attack as well as the appropriate fixes.   </LI>

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