This Week in Spring, May 15th, 2012

Engineering | Josh Long | May 15, 2012 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This week in Spring!. We've got a lot to cover this week, as usual. So, onward!

  1. Rossen Stoyanchev has just released part two and three of his blog series introducing Spring MVC 3.2's new features. In the first installment, Rossen introduces how to make a Spring MVC @Controller asynchronous. In the second post, Rossen introduces how to add long polling to an existing web application. Long polling is useful in any number of scenarios where you want to simulate server-side push with client-side applications.
  2. <LI>  The video for <a href= "">Oleg Zhurakousky</A>'s followup webinar introducing <a href ="">More Practical Tips and Tricks with Spring Integration</A> has just been posted. Check it out! </LI> 
     <LI> <A href ="">Roy Clarkson</A>  just announced that <a href = "">Spring Mobile 1.0.0 has  been released</A>!  </LI>
    <LI>  SpringSource and Cloud Foundry rockstar  <a  href  =""> Jennifer Hickey </A> 

    continued her amazing series on Cloud Foundry workers over on the Cloud Foundry blog last week, this time introducing the support for Spring developers.

    I followed up with some more nuanced examples introducing how to use Spring Integration gateways, and Spring Batch jobs and core Spring's @Scheduled annotation in conjunction with Cloud Foundry workers.

  3. Cloud Foundry advocate Andy Piper and I have
    penned an article that helps you take your first steps on Cloud Foundry with a simple Spring application in the new JavaTech Journal, the online magazine from the producers of the JAX conference.

     Registration is free, but required, to download the issue. 
    <LI> Blogger Tomasz Nurkiewicz is back at it, this time with a <EM>really</EM> cool 
    	blog introducing how to <a href ="">integrate reCAPTCHA with Spring Integration</A>. Nice job, Tomasz!  </LI> 
  4. The Random Thoughts blog has an interesting look at how to integrate JSON, XML and RSS endpoints using Spring 3.1.
     <LI> Blogger abhishek has written up a nice post <a href = "">explaining how to setup Spring MVC's annotations</A>, step by step, going from a new Eclipse application all the way to the finished product.  </LI>

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