This Week in Spring - July 3rd, 2012

Engineering | Josh Long | July 03, 2012 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring. Today, we bid farewell to the father of Spring, Rod Johnson. We wish Rod well on his next endeavors.

  1. Spring contributor and all-around-build-ninja Chris Beams put together a nice blog talking about some of the infrastructure changes in the Spring projects of late, including their moves to GitHub and to the build-tool Gradle.
  2. Martin Lippert has announced the availability of the SpringSource Tool Suites 3.0.0.M2, one for Spring and one for Groovy and Grails.
  3. Spring Data Redis 1.0.1 has been released. Among other things the new release supports support for a new (4th) Redis driver SRP, Redis native execution (RedisConnection#execute), and improved pipeline execution tracking potential errors and bulk results consistently across all drivers
    		Gary Russell has announced the availability of <a href ="">Spring Integration 2.1.3.RELEASE and  2.2.0.M3</a>. 
  4. Hubert Klein Ikkink has an interesting post on how set environment variables on Cloud Foundry.
  5. Jan Machacek announced the latest release of Specs2 Spring 0.6.1 in his blog. Check it out for more details.
  6. Matt Vickery is back with another installment on how to use Spring Integration with C24's iO products.
  7. Our friend Willie Wheeler has a great post on pageable custom queries with Spring Data JPA.
  8. Our friend Roger Hughes is back, this time with a post introducing how to get started with Spring Social.
  9. Nicolas Frankel has a nice blog introducing Spring Data JPA.
  10. The Java TV tutorial site and aggregator has both of Spring Integration contributor Oleg Zhurakousky's webinars on Spring Integration Tips 'n Tricks. It's nice when the aggregators pick up good content, but readers should also be sure to check out the source for all your SpringSource videos and tutorials, the SpringSource Dev YouTube channel.
  11. A blog, seemingly on PHP, has a post on the correct way to utilize <a href = "">Spring's <CODE>&lt;p&gt;</CODE> and <CODE> &lt;c&gt;</CODE> namespaces. </a>
  12. The doanduyhai blog has an interesting post on the Spring 3.1 cache abstraction.
  13. The Learning via Code blog has a great post introducing Spring's support for message loading
  14. The JavaCode Geeks blog has an interesting post on exception handling in Spring's JSF support
  15. Only faintly related to Spring: Joram Barrez, a contributor to the Activiti BPMN2 workflow engine, to which both Spring Batch lead Dr. David Syer and I contributed the Spring support, has put up a nice post comparing the speed of the workflow engine and some of the tests use the Spring support.

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