SpringOne 2GX 2012 Web Track: What's New in Spring MVC 3.2 + Extending Spring MVC with Spring Mobile and JavaScript

News | Pieter Humphrey | November 16, 2012 | ...


What's New in Spring MVC 3.2

Following on Juergen's talk on the upcoming Spring 3.2 release, this presentation will focus on what's new specifically in the area of Spring MVC. The presentation will explain all noteworthy features and, as is usual with every new release, there will be a lot to discuss including Servlet-based async request support, content negotiation enhancements, REST error handling, @MVC test support, and much more. The talk does not provide an overview of Spring MVC but rather assumes a level of experience and focuses on covering what's new.

About Rossen Stoyanchev

Rossen Stoyanchev

Rossen is a Spring Framework developer focusing on Spring MVC as well as Spring Web Flow. His 17+ year background includes work on trading and risk management software, investment accounting, e-commerce web applications, directory services, among others. Prior to becoming a full-time Spring Framework developer, Rossen spent several years teaching and consulting clients building enterprise Java applications with Spring on a broad range of topics.

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Extending Spring MVC with Spring Mobile and JavaScript

The modern web no longer is limited to desktop browsers. Smart phones and tablets have become an integral part of our daily lives. Web sites that may look good on a 22" monitor usually do not format and display well on a much smaller screen. Additionally, network speeds can limit the performance of a web site on mobile devices. Because of these reasons many developers and organizations are considering how to make their web sites accessible to all the various devices and screen sizes for which people are using. In this session, we will explore the functionality provided within the Spring Mobile project, and how you can use it to extend your Spring MVC application onto mobile and tablet devices. We'll then continue the discussion by demonstrating how you can leverage some of the popular mobile JavaScript frameworks in combination with Spring Mobile to provide a first class experience for your users on mobile devices.

Session Detail

About Craig Walls

Craig Walls

Craig Walls has been professionally developing software for almost 18 years (and longer than that for the pure geekiness of it). He is a senior engineer with SpringSource as the Spring Social project lead and is the author of Spring in Action and XDoclet in Action (both published by Manning) and Modular Java (published by Pragmatic Bookshelf). He's a zealous promoter of the Spring Framework, speaking frequently at local user groups and conferences and writing about Spring and OSGi on his blog. When he's not slinging code, Craig spends as much time as he can with his wife, two daughters, 4 birds and 3 dogs.

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About Roy Clarkson

Roy Clarkson

Roy Clarkson studied computer science at Georgia Tech before beginning his career as a software engineer. He has worked as a professional software developer for over fifteen years, with a variety of languages and technologies. He is currently working as an engineer with SpringSource, at VMware, where he is the lead on the Spring for Android project. He also participates on the Greenhouse project, and built it’s associated mobile clients. Roy has spent the last few years focusing on mobile application development, including iPhone, Android, and mobile web. Prior to that, he focused most of his time on web based application development.

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