This Week in Spring - Feb 12th, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | February 12, 2013 | ...

Welcome back to another installment of This Week in Spring ! As usual, we've got a lot to cover, so let's get to it!

  1. Dave Syer is taking his SpringOne2GX talk to an online audience on Feb 14th, 2013 Webinar - When and Why Would I Use OAuth2?
  2. Dream team Sam Brannen (Swiftmind) & Rossen Stoyanchev (SpringSource) join forces on Feb 21st, 2013 for a Webinar: Testing Web Applications with Spring 3.2
  3. New SpringOne2GX 2012 talks released to YouTube in HD! Ten Great Reasons to Virtualize Your Java Apps, and What's New in CloudFoundry.
  4. Our pal Boris Lam is back, this time with two posts on how to use Spring Data MongoDB and JSF together.
  5. The PluralSight blog has a video introduction to Spring MVC interceptors. This video is an excerpt from a full-fledged video course.
    <LI>  Cool demonstration: <A href="">Spring Insight plugins for Spring Integration and RabbitMQ</a>. 
  6. The syntx blog has a nice post on how to add HTTP Basic authentication using Spring Security to Spring MVC-secured resources.
  7. Krishna's Blog has a nice post introducing unit-testing the Spring Security layer with the InMemoryDaoImpl.
  8. <LI>  You know, I was looking for something like this just the other day!  <EM>Mark's Blog </EM> has a nice post on the <A href=""> workflow of the various objects in servicing an incoming HTTP request in Spring MVC</a>.  Is this stuff you could easily figure out by sticking a breakpoint in a controller and just looking at the call stack? Sure. But it's also stuff that's   <EM>very</EM> convenient to reference in a pinch and it's nice to see it all laid out in order with a little bit of narrative. 	</LI>
    <LI>The <EM>Dinesh on Java</EM> blog has a nice <a href="">post on how to  setup Spring Security</a>.  	</LI>
    <LI> The <EM>Lucky Ryan</EM> blog has a really <EM>&agrave; propos</EM> post on <A href="">migrating XML-based Spring MVC configuration to the Java and annotation centric alternative</a>.   	</LI>
    <LI> The <EM>Java Code Geeks</EM> blog has a very nice post on  <a href=""> exception handling when dealing with REST services</a> 	</LI>
    	 Our pal Roger Hughes is back, this time with a nice writeup of <a href="">a few of 
    	the various lifecycle techniques for Spring beans</a>.
    </LI> <Li> The <EM>CommonJ</EM> blog has a nice post on <A href=""> passing request parameters to Spring MVC from JavaScript</a>.  This one is <EM>faintly</EM> related to Spring MVC, but close enough! :) </LI>

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