This Week in Spring - 7 May, 2013

Engineering | Josh Long | May 07, 2013 | ...

Welcome to An Epic Week in Spring! Lots of new sessions have been posted to SpringOne Conference, so head over to the site and check out the featured sessions! We'll have the agenda grid online before the end of May.

Featured SpringOne2GX 2013 sessions accepted!

      <li><a href="">Tackling Big Data Complexity with Spring</a> (Mark Fisher and Mark Pollack)</li>
          <li><a href="">Reactor - an asynch  framework for distributed web and enterprise architectures</a> (Jon Brisbin)</li>
    • Spring for Snowboarders (Dave Syer and Phil Webb)

Many other new sessions accepted as well:

And now, back to our regularly scheduled week in Spring... as usual, we've got a lot to cover, so let's get to it!

  1. Juergen Hoeller and Marius Bogoevici's talk, Java EE services for Spring applications, from SpringOne2GX 2012 is now available in HD on YouTube!
  2. John Davies's talk, Spring Integration in the Wild, from SpringOne2GX 2012 is now available HD on YouTube!
  3. Kim Saabye Pedersen has written a small example on using @Transactional on an interface with Spring's transaction management infrastructure. Nice job, Kim!
  4. Would it be possible to take Spring Petclinic as it is now and scale it up to 1000 requests per second on a single server instance? Julien Dubois from Ippon Technologies has written a great series of five blog entries on that topic. If you missed them from the previous roundups, check out the whole series, starting here!
  5. Petri Kainulainen has written a great post introducing how to sort data using Spring Data SOLR.
  6. By the by, I know I've mentioned this before, but it really is handy. Have you checked out Alvaro Videla's RabbitMQ simulator?
  7. Spring Data ninja Oliver Gierke has written a great response to the question, How do I use Spring Data MongoDB in a multi-tenant fashion? Be sure to check it out. Generally, his advice is applicable to many such scenarios.
  8. Serkan ÖZAL has put together an awesome, bytecode-based RowMapper that can be used with Spring's JDBC infrastructure (like JdbcTemplate) and that can handle relationships like an ORM might. Because it's bytecode-based, it's very fast and not given to the same reflection-based performance limitations of Spring's own BeanPropertyRowMapper. I haven't tried this out yet, but it looks very promising!
  9. Our friend Roger Hughes is back with a tutorial (of two posts, thus far). The first, RESTful Ajax with Spring MVC, establishes an application (without REST and Ajax) and the second then introduces serializing data objects using Jackson, a JSON serializer.
  10. Bharat Sharma also wrote a nice post on serializing to JSON with Spring MVC this week!
  11. Blogger Kal wrote up a nice post on how Spring MVC simplifies file-uploads with Spring MVC and commons-fileupload.

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