Spring Integration 4.0 Released

Engineering | Gary Russell | April 30, 2014 | ...

We are pleased to announce the 4.0.0.RELEASE version of Spring Integration is now available.

The artifacts are available in the Spring repository (repo.spring.io/release) and Maven Central now.

The new features have been covered in some depth in the Milestone 4 and Release Candidate announcements (including Spring Boot examples) but, to summarize:

  • Requires Spring Framework 4.0.3 or above
  • Greatly expanded annotation support for configuring integration flows, laying the groundwork for the Java DSL which is in progress in the extensions repo
  • New endpoints, and more...

For changes since the release candidate, see the GA release notes.

We will be presenting a Webinar highlighting some of the features in this important new release next month.

SpringOne 2GX 2014 is around the corner

Book your place at SpringOne in Dallas, TX for Sept 8-11 soon. It's simply the best opportunity to find out first hand all that's going on and to provide direct feedback. Expect a number of significant new announcements this year. We are anticipating that several in-depth Spring-Integration sessions will be presented.

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