Spring Security OAuth 2.0.4.RELEASE Available Now

Releases | Dave Syer | November 11, 2014 | ...

Spring Security OAuth 2.0.4.RELEASE is available now in the usual repositories. It's a bug fix release, so upgrading is recommended, but there is also a small set of new features:

  • The OAuth2Request (and hence OAuth2Authentication) can now be

queried explicitly to find the grant type for the associated token. If the token is being refreshed the grant type in the OAuth2Request presented to a TokenEnhancer is the original grant type, not "refresh_token".

  • The client authorities are exposed in the "/check_token" endpoint

  • Password grants are more flexible and open to extension because both client and server can add additional parameters to the request. A custom AuthenticationManager on the server side should still expect a UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken, but the additional parameters will be available in the AuthenticationDetails. Multi-factor authentication for mobile devices could be implemented in this way, for instance.

  • Keystore support for JWT token signing and verification.

User provides a Resource and a password and can then lift the keys out of the store by name. As long as they are RSA keys they can be injected into a JwtAccessTokenConverter (using a new setter).

There were numerous community contributions to this release, for which many thanks!

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