Spring Security Kerberos 1.0.0.RC1 Released

Releases | Janne Valkealahti | March 11, 2015 | ...

With a very long overdue from a previous milestone release we are pleased to announce the release of Spring Security Kerberos 1.0.0.RC1.

A summary of changes can be seen below:

  • We did a lot of housekeeping to put a whole project up-to-date.
  • Rerefence documentation is now updated to reflect what we have. Reference Documentation
  • We added a new KerberosRestTemplate for use cases where you need to have a programmatic access to kerberized web resources.
  • Samples has been re-written from scratch. These samples are bootified meaning user should have relatively few steps to test Kerberized functionality. There are more about samples in our reference documentation but those include working with Windows AD, MIT Kerberos and RestTemplate.

We'd love to hear back what people think by participating in a project or simply creating issues or feature requests at GitHub.

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