Spring Data Release Train Ingalls M1 Released

Releases | Mark Paluch | July 27, 2016 | ...

On behalf of the Spring Data team, I’m happy to announce the first milestone of the Ingalls release train. The release ships 230 tickets fixed! The most noteworthy new features are:

  • Use of method handles for property access in conversion subsystem (Commons, MongoDB).
  • Upgrade to Cassandra 3.0 for Spring Data Cassandra (see the updated examples for details).
  • Support for declarative query methods for Cassandra repositories.
  • Support for Redis geo commands.
  • Any-match mode for query-by-example.
  • Support for XML and JSON based projections for REST payloads (see the example for details)

Find a curated change log in our release train wiki or skim through a full list of changes in JIRA.

The easiest way to play with the milestone is declaring the spring-data-releasetrain.version property to Ingalls-M1 in your Spring Boot application. If you’re using Spring Data REST, make sure to set the spring-hateoas.version property to 0.21.0.M1. Spring Data Redis users need to upgrade to Jedis 2.9.0 (Boot users set the jedis.version property accordingly). If you are a Spring Data Cassandra user, you need to upgrade to the Cassandra driver to 3.0.x (Boot users set the cassandra-driver.version property accordingly). Also, please check out our updated Spring Data Examples for more samples on integrating the particular components.

To sum things up, here's the list of modules included in the release:

On a final note, SpringOne Platform 2016 is around the corner! Meet the Spring Data team at SpringOne Platform 2016 in Las Vegas, Nevada, next week. We've prepared a lot of sessions to cover Spring & Data related topics and it's not too late to register. Vegas is never a bad place to be at, even more so with the Spring team around!

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