Spring Framework 5 Kotlin APIs, the functional way

Engineering | Sébastien Deleuze | August 01, 2017 | ...

Update: see also Spring Fu experimental project.

Since our original announcement (very well received by the community!) of official Kotlin support in Spring Framework 5, we have continued to work towards even stronger Kotlin support in conjunction with recent refinements in Spring WebFlux.

In order to demonstrate these features, and how they could be used together, I have created a new spring-kotlin-functional demo application which is a standalone Spring WebFlux application, developed in Kotlin, with Mustache template rendering, JSON REST webservices and Server-Sent Events streaming capabilities. Don't hesitate to send us feedbacks and proposals before Spring Framework 5 release expected in September.

Programmatic bootstrap

Spring WebFlux and Reactor Netty allow for programmatic bootstrap of the application since they are natively designed to run as an embedded webserver. This is obviously not needed when developing a Spring Boot application but can be very useful for tight deployment units with custom bootstrapping in a microservice architecture or other constrained environments.

class Application {
  private val httpHandler: HttpHandler
  private val server: HttpServer
  private var nettyContext: BlockingNettyContext? = null
  constructor(port: Int = 8080) {
    val context = GenericApplicationContext().apply {
    server = HttpServer.create(port)
    httpHandler = WebHttpHandlerBuilder.applicationContext(context).build()

  fun start() {
    nettyContext = server.start(ReactorHttpHandlerAdapter(httpHandler))
  fun startAndAwait() {
        { nettyContext = it })
  fun stop() {

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

Functional bean definitions with Spring's new Kotlin DSL

Spring Framework 5 introduces a new way of registering beans using lambdas. It is very efficient, does not require any reflection or CGLIB proxies (so kotlin-spring plugin is not needed for Reactive apps), and is a good fit with languages like Java 8 or Kotlin. You can have an overview of Java versus Kotlin syntax here.

In spring-kotlin-functional, beans are declared in a Beans.kt file which contains bean definitions. The DSL conceptually declare a Consumer<GenericApplicationContext> via a clean declarative API which allows you to deal with profile and Environment for customizing how your beans are registered. This DSL also allows custom registration logic of beans via if expression, for loop or any other Kotlin constructs.

beans {
  bean<WebHandler>("webHandler") {
  bean("messageSource") {
    ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource().apply {
  bean {
    val prefix = "classpath:/templates/"
    val suffix = ".mustache"
    val loader = MustacheResourceTemplateLoader(prefix, suffix)
    MustacheViewResolver(Mustache.compiler().withLoader(loader)).apply {
  profile("foo") {

In this example, bean<Routes>() is using autowiring by constructor and ref<Routes>() is a shortcut for applicationContext.getBean(Routes::class.java).

Null-safety of Spring and Reactor APIs

One of Kotlin's key features is null-safety which allows to deal with null values at compile time rather than bumping into the famous NullPointerException at runtime. This makes your applications safer through clean nullability declarations, expressing "value or no value" semantics without paying the cost of wrapper like Optional. (Kotlin allows using functional constructs with nullable values; check out this comprehensive guide to Kotlin null-safety.)

Although Java does not allow to express null-safety in its type-system, we have introduced some amount of null-safety to Spring APIs via tooling-friendly annotations: @NonNullApi annotations at package level declare that non-null is the default behavior, and we explicitly put @Nullable annotations where specific parameters or return values can be null. We have done this work for the whole Spring Framework API (yes it was a huge effort!), and other projects like Spring Data begin to leverage it. Spring annotation are meta-annotated with JSR 305 meta-annotation (a dormant JSR but supported by tools like IDEA, Eclipse, Findbugs, etc.) to provide useful warnings to Java developers.

On the Kotlin side, the killer feature is that - as of the Kotlin 1.1.51 release - these annotations are recognized by Kotlin in order to provide null-safety for the whole Spring API. That means you should never have NullPointerException in your code when using Spring 5 and Kotlin because the compiler will not allow it. You need to use a -Xjsr305=strict compiler flag to get these annotations taken in account in Kotlin type system.

Functional routing with the Kotlin DSL for Spring WebFlux

Instead of using @RestController and @RequestMapping, spring-kotlin-functional is using the WebFlux functional API via a dedicated Kotlin DSL.

router {
  accept(TEXT_HTML).nest {
    GET("/") { ok().render("index") }
    GET("/sse") { ok().render("sse") }
    GET("/users", userHandler::findAllView)
  "/api".nest {
    accept(APPLICATION_JSON).nest {
      GET("/users", userHandler::findAll)
    accept(TEXT_EVENT_STREAM).nest {
      GET("/users", userHandler::stream)
  resources("/**", ClassPathResource("static/"))

Like for the bean DSL, the functional routing DSL allows programmatic registration of routes based on custom logic and dynamic data (can be useful to develop a CMS or eCommerce solution where most routes depends on data created via the backoffice).

Routes usually point to handlers in charge of creating an HTTP response based on the HTTP request via callable references. Here is the UserHandler which takes advantage of the Kotlin extensions Spring Framework 5 is providing directly in Spring JARs to avoid the well-known type erasure problem using Kotlin reified type parameters. The same code in Java would require additional Class or ParameterizedTypeReference parameters.

class UserHandler {
  private val users = Flux.just(
      User("Foo", "Foo", LocalDate.now().minusDays(1)),
      User("Bar", "Bar", LocalDate.now().minusDays(10)),
      User("Baz", "Baz", LocalDate.now().minusDays(100)))
  private val userStream = Flux
      .zip(Flux.interval(ofMillis(100)), users.repeat())
      .map { it.t2 }

  fun findAll(req: ServerRequest) =

  fun findAllView(req: ServerRequest) =
      ok().render("users", mapOf("users" to users.map { it.toDto() }))
  fun stream(req: ServerRequest) =

Notice it is super easy to create Server-Sent Events endpoints with Spring WebFlux, as well as server-side template rendering (Mustache in this application).

##Easy testing with WebClient, Reactor Test and JUnit 5

Kotlin allows to specify meaningful test function names betweeen backticks, and as of JUnit 5.0 RC2 Kotlin test classes can use @TestInstance(TestInstance.Lifecycle.PER_CLASS) to enable a single instantiation of test classes which allows to use @BeforeAll and @AfterAll annotations on non-static methods, which is a good fit for Kotlin. It is also now possible to change the default behavior to PER_CLASS thanks to a junit-platform.properties file with a junit.jupiter.testinstance.lifecycle.default = per_class property.

class IntegrationTests {
  val application = Application(8181)
  val client = WebClient.create("http://localhost:8181")
  fun beforeAll() {
  fun `Find all users on JSON REST endpoint`() {
        .expectNextMatches { it.firstName == "Foo" }
        .expectNextMatches { it.firstName == "Bar" }
        .expectNextMatches { it.firstName == "Baz" }

  fun `Find all users on HTML page`() {
        .expectNextMatches { it.contains("Foo") }

  fun `Receive a stream of users via Server-Sent-Events`() {
        .expectNextMatches { it.firstName == "Foo" }
        .expectNextMatches { it.firstName == "Bar" }
        .expectNextMatches { it.firstName == "Baz" }
        .expectNextMatches { it.firstName == "Foo" }
        .expectNextMatches { it.firstName == "Bar" }
        .expectNextMatches { it.firstName == "Baz" }
  fun afterAll() {


We are looking forward to feedback about these new features! Note that August is our last chance to refine the API since the ultimate Spring Framework 5.0 release candidate is expected at the end of the month. So feel free to play with spring-kotlin-functional, fork it, add new features like Spring Data Reactive Fluent API, etc.

On our side, we are now working on the documentation.

Happy summer coding ;-)

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