This Week in Spring - April 24th, 2018

Engineering | Josh Long | April 24, 2018 | ...

Hi Spring fans! Welcome to another incredible installment of all that's fit to tweet, blog, record and print about Spring! It's been an insane week! Since our last installment I was in Paris, FR, for the epic Devoxx FR conference where I spoke at a meetup hosted by ZenikaIT, gave a workshop on Reactive Cloud Native Java and co-presented a talk on Reactive Spring with the one-and-only Juergen Hoeller. I jumped off stage and ran to the airport to board a flight leaving 150 minutes later headed back to the US!

Now, you may have heard that Pivotal, the company that leads and/or at least actively invests in a good many open-source projects - including Spring, Cloud Foundry, Apache Tomcat, Reactor, JUnit, Kubernetes, Redis, Micrometer and so many others besides - listed on the New York Stock Exchange on the 20th of April, 2018: we're a public company now!

So: I know I speak for the Spring team and Pivotal at large when I say that Pivotal's success is your success and that this wouldn't, couldn't, have been possible without you, dear community; THANK YOU!

It is a dream come true to work on open-source software that helps people build amazing things with such an amazing, curious, compassionate and passionate community. It's a big part of the reason I am happier every day than I was the day before; there's always something amazing happening!

Now, I wish all of you could've been there! Don't feel left out though; you can watch the ringing of the bell on the floor of the NYSE here.

There were some amazing tweets on the matter, too.

The bell-ringing at the NYSE was concurrent with the opening of the CFSummit happening in nearby Boston, MA, which live-streamed the IPO.

The "Squawk on the Street" show filming on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange and I just happened to be wearing my favorite "Spring" t-shirt so I walked over to see what's what and say hi! :D

We published an official thing about the IPO, as well. You might like that, too.

The IPO was last Friday, but by the weekend I was on a plane headed back to Europe. This week I'm in Mainz, Germany for the JAX conference where I'll be presenting, again, on "Reactive Spring" with Spring Framework lead and co-founder Juergen Hoeller, and on testing with Spring. Then, it's off to the DevOne conference in Linz, Austria where Juergen and I will again present! (How lucky am I??) I'll also be doing a longer workshop-like talk on the 27th of April in Vienna, Austria. Then, finally, it's off to Melbourne, Australia, for Voxxed Melbourne where, next week, I'll be co-presenting with Spring framework founder and Atomist CEO Rod Johnson. Do not miss this!

All that wonderful business aside, we have a lot to cover, so let's get to it!

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