Introducing Spring Data JDBC

Engineering | Jens Schauder | September 17, 2018 | ...

With the upcoming Lovelace GA release, we’re going to ship a new Spring Data Module: Spring Data JDBC.

The idea behind Spring Data JDBC is to provide access to relational databases without submitting to the complexities of JPA. JPA offers such features as lazy loading, caching, and dirty tracking. While these are great if you need them, they can actually make thinking about JPA and its behavior harder than it has to be.

Lazy loading might trigger expensive statements when you don’t expect it or it might fail with an exception. Caching can get in your way when you actually want to compare two versions of an entity and being dirty makes it hard to find a single point where all persistence operations pass through.

Spring Data JDBC aims at a much simpler model. There won’t be caching, dirty tracking, or lazy loading. Instead, SQL statements are issued when and only when you invoke a repository method. The object returned as result of that method is fully loaded before the method returns. There is no "session" and no proxies for entities. All this should make Spring Data JDBC easier to reason about.

Of course, this simpler approach results in constraints which will be covered in a future post. Also, it is the first version, so there are many features that we want and plan to implement, but that we had to postpone in order to get something into your hands early.

Let’s take a look at a simple example.

First, we need an entity:

class Customer {
    Long id;
    String firstName;
    LocalDate dob;

Note that you don’t need getters or setters. It is perfectly okay to use them if you prefer to do so. Really, the only requirement is that the entity has a property annotated with Id (that is,, not the javax.persistence one).

Next, we need to declare a repository. The easiest way to do that is to extend CrudRepository:

interface CustomerRepository extends CrudRepository<Customer, Long> {}

Finally, we need to configure the ApplicationContext to enable the creation of repositories:

@EnableJdbcRepositories (1)
public class CustomerConfig extends JdbcConfiguration { (2)

    NamedParameterJdbcOperations operations() { (3)
        return new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(dataSource());

    PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager() { (4)
        return new DataSourceTransactionManager(dataSource());

    DataSource dataSource(){ (5)
        return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()

Let’s go through the configuration step by step.

  1. EnableJdbcRepositories enables the creation of repositories. Since it requires the presence of some beans, we need the rest of the configuration.

  2. Extending JdbcConfiguration adds some default beans to the ApplicationContext. You can overwrite its methods to customize some of the behavior of Spring Data JDBC. For now, we go with the default implementations.

  3. The really important part is NamedParameterJdbcOperations, which is used internally to submit SQL statements to the database.

  4. The transaction manager is, strictly speaking, not necessary. But you’d be working without support for transactions that span more than a single statement, and nobody wants that, right?

  5. Spring Data JDBC doesn’t directly use the DataSource, but, since the TransactionManager and the NamedParameterJdbcOperations need it, registering it as a bean is an easy way to ensure both use the same instance.

That is all you need to get started on working with it. Now let’s play with it in a test:

@ContextConfiguration(classes = CustomerConfig.class)
public class CustomerRepositoryTest {

    @Autowired CustomerRepository customerRepo;

    public void createSimpleCustomer() {

        Customer customer = new Customer();
        customer.dob = LocalDate.of(1904, 5, 14);
        customer.firstName = "Albert";

        Customer saved =;


        saved.firstName = "Hans Albert";;

        Optional<Customer> reloaded = customerRepo.findById(;


        assertThat(reloaded.get().firstName).isEqualTo("Hans Albert");

@Query annotation

You probably won’t get far with just the basic CRUD methods from the CrudRepository. We decided to postpone query derivation, the popular feature where Spring Data derives the query to use from a method name, to a later version. Until that arrives you can use a simple @Query annotation to specify a query on a repository method:

@Query("select id, first_name, dob from customer where upper(first_name) like '%' || upper(:name) || '%' ")
List<Customer> findByName(@Param("name") String name);

Note that the @Param annotation is not required if you compile with the -parameters flag.

If you want to execute an update or delete statement, you can add a @Modifying annotation to the method.

Let’s create another test in order to try out the new method.

public void findByName() {

    Customer customer = new Customer();
    customer.dob = LocalDate.of(1904, 5, 14);
    customer.firstName = "Albert";

    Customer saved =;

    assertThat(; null; (1)
    customer.firstName = "Bertram";; null;
    customer.firstName = "Beth";;

    assertThat(customerRepo.findByName("bert")).hasSize(2); (2)
  1. Since the connection between a Java object and its corresponding row is just its Id plus its type, setting the Id to null and saving it again creates another row in the database.

  2. We are doing a case-insensitive (like) search, and, therefore, we find "Albert" and "Bertram" but not "Beth".

Closing Notes

There is more to learn about Spring Data JDBC. Continue reading Spring Data JDBC References and Aggregates

Or you can take a look at the examples, the documentation, and, of course, the source code. If you have questions, ask away on StackOverflow. And if you find a bug or want to request a feature please create an issue.

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