Spring Data R2DBC 1.0 M1 released

Releases | Mark Paluch | December 12, 2018 | ...

It’s my pleasure to announce the first milestone of Spring Data R2DBC. Spring Data R2DBC is Spring's client project for R2DBC. With Spring Data R2DBC you get end to end reactive ad-hoc query execution and Spring Data repositories for relational databases.

Spring Data R2DBC embraces functional-reactive integration of relational databases by providing DatabaseClient as its central abstraction. The following example shows how to bootstrap DatabaseClient without spinning up a Spring context:

PostgresqlConnectionFactory connFactory = new PostgresqlConnectionFactory(

DatabaseClient databaseClient = DatabaseClient.create(connFactory);

Spring Data R2DBC is built on top of R2DBC SPI so you can plug in various drivers (as of R2DBC 1.0 M6):

This Spring Data R2DBC milestone ships with the following initial feature set:

  • DatabaseClient as gateway to reactive generic SQL execution.
  • Reactive transaction support through TransactionalDatabaseClient.
  • Support functions such as select() and insert() to be used with mapped objects.
  • Dialect support for Postgres, H2, and Microsoft SQL Server.
  • Java Configuration support with AbstractR2dbcConfiguration.
  • Reactive Repository support through @EnableR2dbcRepositories and annotated @Query methods.
  • Exception Translation for R2DBC Exceptions into Spring's DAO Exception hierarchy.

Here's a collection of examples for DatabaseClient usage. Note also the usage of native parameter bind markers:

Mono<Integer> count = databaseClient.execute()
        .sql("INSERT INTO person (id, firstname, lastname) VALUES($1, $2, $3)")
        .bind("$1", 42055)
        .bind("$2", "Walter")
        .bindNull("$3", String.class)

Flux<Map<String, Object>> rows = databaseClient.select()

Flux<Person> rows = databaseClient.select()

If you're already familiar with Spring Data's Repository abstraction, then you will recognize that Spring Data R2DBC repositories follow the exact same idea of extending ReactiveCrudRepository:

interface PersonRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<Person, Integer> {

  @Query("SELECT * FROM person WHERE firstname like $1")
  Flux<Person> findByFirstNameContains(String firstname);

  @Query("SELECT * FROM legoset WHERE firstname = $1 AND lastname = $2")
  Mono<Person> findByFirstnameAndLastname(String firstname, String lastname);

You can obtain Spring Data R2DBC 1.0 M1 from our milestone repository. To do so, include the following lines in your pom.xml file:



We're excited to hear what you think about Spring Data R2DBC. Get in touch with @SpringData!

To round things off, here are links to the changelog, GitHub repository, and examples:

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