Spring Cloud Greenwich.SR3 Released

Releases | Ryan Baxter | September 12, 2019 | ...

On behalf of the community, I am pleased to announce that the Service Release 3 (SR3) of the Spring Cloud Greenwich Release Train is available today. The release can be found in Maven Central. You can check out the Greenwich release notes for more information. All issues closed in this release across all projects can be found in the Spring Cloud Greenwich.SR3 project on GitHub

Notable Changes in the Greenwich Release Train

New Load Balancer Implementations

Spring Cloud Greenwich.M3 is the first release containing both blocking and non-blocking load balancer client implementations as an alternative to Netflix Ribbon which has entered maintenance mode.

To use the new BlockingLoadBalancerClient with a RestTemplate you will need to include org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-loadbalancer on your application’s classpath. The same dependency can be used in a reactive application when using @LoadBalanced WebClient.Builder - the only difference is that Spring Cloud will auto-configure a ReactorLoadBalancerExchangeFilterFunction instance. See the documentation for additional information. The new ReactorLoadBalancerExchangeFilterFunction can also be autowired and passed directly to WebClient.Builder (see the documentation). For all these features, Project Reactor-based RoundRobinLoadBalancer is used underneath.

Spring Cloud Commons

Spring Cloud Openfeign

Spring Cloud Security

Spring Cloud Kubernetes

  • The DiscoveryClient implementation can now retrieve services from all namespaces
  • Bug Fixes

Spring Cloud Zookeeper

  • Documentation updates

Spring Cloud Gateway

  • Retry filter now supports backoff policies
  • Add the ability to provide custom metrics tags
  • New request size filter factory
  • Add support for Netty Wiretap
  • More detailed information about routes added to /actuator/gateway/routes
  • Bug Fixes

Spring Cloud Netflix

  • Add the ability to add additional filters to JerseyReplicationClient used by Eureka
  • Bug Fixes

Spring Cloud Bus

  • Documentation updates

Spring Cloud Cloudfoundry

  • Documentation updates

Spring Cloud Vault

  • Documentation updates

Spring Cloud Config

Spring Cloud Consul

Spring Cloud Sleuth

Spring Cloud Aws

  • Documentation updates

Spring Cloud Contract

The following modules were updated as part of Greenwich.SR3:

| Module | Version | Issues |--- |--- |--- |--- | Spring Cloud Commons | 2.1.3.RELEASE | (issues) | Spring Cloud Openfeign | 2.1.3.RELEASE | (issues) | Spring Cloud Security | 2.1.4.RELEASE | (issues) | Spring Cloud Stream | Fishtown.SR4 |
| Spring Cloud Kubernetes | 1.0.3.RELEASE | (issues) | Spring Cloud Build | 2.1.7.RELEASE |
| Spring Cloud Zookeeper | 2.1.3.RELEASE |
| Spring Cloud Gateway | 2.1.3.RELEASE | (issues) | Spring Cloud Dependencies | Greenwich.SR3 |
| Spring Cloud Netflix | 2.1.3.RELEASE | (issues) | Spring Cloud Bus | 2.1.3.RELEASE | (issues) | Spring Cloud Dependencies Parent | 2.1.7.RELEASE |
| Spring Cloud Task | 2.1.3.RELEASE |
| Spring Cloud Starter | Greenwich.SR3 |
| Spring Cloud Cloudfoundry | 2.1.3.RELEASE |
| Spring Cloud | Greenwich.SR3 |
| Spring Cloud Vault | 2.1.3.RELEASE |
| Spring Cloud Config | 2.1.4.RELEASE | (issues) | Spring Cloud Release | Greenwich.SR3 |
| Spring Cloud Function | 2.0.2.RELEASE | (issues) | Spring Cloud Consul | 2.1.3.RELEASE | (issues) | Spring Cloud Starter Parent | Greenwich.SR3 |
| Spring Cloud Gcp | 1.1.3.RELEASE |
| Spring Cloud Sleuth | 2.1.3.RELEASE |
| Spring Cloud Aws | 2.1.3.RELEASE |
| Spring Cloud Contract | 2.1.3.RELEASE | (issues)

As always, we welcome feedback on GitHub, on Gitter, on Stack Overflow, or on Twitter.

To get started with Maven with a BOM (dependency management only):


or with Gradle:

buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath "io.spring.gradle:dependency-management-plugin:1.0.2.RELEASE"

apply plugin: "io.spring.dependency-management"

dependencyManagement {
imports {
mavenBom 'org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-dependencies:Greenwich.SR3'

dependencies {
compile 'org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-config'
compile 'org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-client'

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