Spring Boot for Apache Geode & VMware GemFire 1.1.9.RELEASE, 1.2.9.RELEASE, 1.3.1.RELEASE and 1.4.0-M1 now available!

Releases | John Blum | July 28, 2020 | ...

On behalf of the Spring, Apache Geode and VMware GemFire communities, it is my pleasure to announce new releases of Spring Boot for Apache Geode & VMware GemFire (SBDG).

SBDG 1.1.9.RELEASE is now available and builds on Spring Boot 2.1.16.RELEASE, Spring Data Lovelace-SR19 and Spring Session Bean-SR11.

SBDG 1.2.9.RELEASE is now available and builds on Spring Boot 2.2.9.RELEASE, Spring Data Moore-SR9 and Spring Session Corn-SR3.

SBDG 1.3.1.RELEASE is now available and builds on Spring Boot 2.3.1.RELEASE, Spring Data Neumann-SR2 and Spring Session Dragonfruit-RELEASE. In addition, this release pulls in the new Spring Test for Apache Geode & VMware GemFire (STDG) 0.0.17.RELEASE with some nice additions there, discussed under What’s New.

Finally, SBDG 1.4.0-M1 is now available and builds on Spring Boot 2.4.0-M1, Spring Data 2020.0.0-M1 (codename: Ockham) and Spring Session 2020.0.0-M1.

You can get a complete break down of all direct dependency versions in the Version Compatibility Matrix.

As always you can begin any Spring Boot project using Apache Geode from start.spring.io.

  • Select your desired Spring Boot version

  • Click "Add Dependencies"

  • Type "Geode"

  • Select "Spring for Apache Geode"

  • Click "GENERATE"

And, the way you go!

What’s New

While 1.1.9.RELEASE, 1.2.9.RELEASE and 1.4.0-M1 releases were primarily focused on aligning with dependencies and picking up new bits, the SBDG 1.3.1.RELEASE rounds out the Import/Export functionality in Using Data.

Much like Spring Boot’s support for SQL database initialization, SBDG allows you to place 1 or more JSON files on the application classpath to load GemFire/Geode Regions with data on startup.

Unlike Spring Boot, SBDB allows you to subsequently export data from your Regions when the Spring Boot application is shutdown. This is convenient if you want to move data from QA to DEV in order to reproduce and debug an issue.

In 1.3.1.RELEASE, SBDG further delineates the primary concerns of importing and exporting data:

  • Data Format (e.g. JSON vs. XML vs. other)

  • Resource Resolution (e.g. classpath, filesystem, URL)

  • Resource Reading/Writing

By default, SBDG imports JSON from the classpath and exports JSON to the filesystem. However, with each of the concerns above broken out, you could import JSON from a Web Service and export XML to an FTP site.

To see an example of changing the Resource Resolution, Reading, and Writing strategies, see the RestServiceCacheDataImportExportIntegrationTests test class in SBDG’s test suite.

You can learn more in the reference documentation.

In addition, SBDG 1.3.1.RELEASE (and 1.4.0-M1) pulls in Spring Test for Apache Geode & VMware GemFire (STDG) 0.0.17.RELEASE, which includes a few new notable additions:

  • How-To control the GemFire/Geode mock objects scope and lifecycle.

  • How-To mock additional, GemFire/Geode mock object operations (e.g. Region.putIfAbsent(key, value)) not supported by STDG, OOTB.

  • How-To perform GemFire/Geode resource and artifact cleanup when Integration Testing.

To use STDG in your Spring Boot application when Unit or Integration Testing with either Apache Geode or VMware, simply add org.springframework.geode:spring-geode-starter-test to your test compile classpath.

What’s Next

For 1.3.2.RELEASE (tentatively scheduled for Thurs, Aug 6th) we plan to improve on the documentation with more details on how to use security (Auth, TLS) in your Spring Boot applications with Apache Geode or VMware GemFire. See and follow PR #81 for more information.

In the SBDG 1.4 release line, the focus will be on adding support for Async (i.e. Write Behind), Inline Caching capabilities on top of the existing synchronous (Read/Write Through) Inline Caching capabilities, present today. See and follow Issue #58 for more details.


As always, any feedback is appreciated.

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