How to integrate Hibernates Multitenant feature with Spring Data JPA in a Spring Boot application

Engineering | Jens Schauder | July 31, 2022 | ...

For quite some time now, Hibernate has offered a Multitenant feature. It integrates nicely with Spring, but there is not much information about how to actually set it up, so I thought an example or two or three could help.

There is already an excellent blog article, but it is a little dated and it covers a lot of specifics to the business problems the author tried to solve. This approach hides a little of the actual integration, which will be the focus of this article.

Do not worry about the code in this post. You can find links to the full code examples at the end of this blog post.

What Does Multitenant Mean?

Imagine you build an application. You want to host it yourself and offer the service provided by the application to multiple companies. But the data of the different companies should be cleanly separated.

You have different options to achieve that. The most simple one is deploying your application, including the database, multiple times. While simple in concept, this is a nightmare to administer once you get more than a handful of tenants to serve.

Instead, you want one application deployment that separates the data. Hibernate anticipates three ways to do this:

  1. You can partition your tables. In this context, partitioning means that, in addition to the normal ID fields, your entities have a tenantId, which is also part of the primary key.

  2. You can store data for different tenants in separate but otherwise identical schemas.

  3. Or you can have a database per tenant.

Of course, you can dream up different schemes where the biggest customers get their database, medium-sized customers get their schema, and all the others end up in partitions, but I stick with the simple variants for these examples.

Example 0: No tenants.

For the examples, we can use a single simple entity:

public class Person {

	private Long id;

	private String name;

	// getter and setter skipped for brevity.

Since we want to use Spring Data JPA, we have a repository, called Persons:

interface Persons extends JpaRepository<Person, Long> {
	static Person named(String name) {
		Person person = new Person();
		return person;

We can get the application setup through, and then we are ready to introduce tenants.

Example 1: Partitioned data.

For this example, we need to modify the entity. It needs a special tenant ID:

public class Person {

	private String tenant;

	// the rest of the class is unchanged just as shown above.

Since the tenant ID is to be set when storing an entity and added to where clauses when loading an entity, we need something that provides a value for it. For this purpose, Hibernate requires a CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver to be implemented.

A simple version could look like this:

class TenantIdentifierResolver implements CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver, HibernatePropertiesCustomizer {

	private String currentTenant = "unknown";

	public void setCurrentTenant(String tenant) {
		currentTenant = tenant;

	public String resolveCurrentTenantIdentifier() {
		return currentTenant;

	public void customize(Map<String, Object> hibernateProperties) {
		hibernateProperties.put(AvailableSettings.MULTI_TENANT_IDENTIFIER_RESOLVER, this);

	// empty overrides skipped for brevity

I would like to point out three things with this implementation:

  1. It has a @Component annotation. This means that it is a bean and can get injected or get other beans injected as your requirements demand.

  2. It only has a simple value for the currentTenant. In a real application, you would either use a different scope (like request, for example) or get the value from some other bean that is appropriately scoped.

  3. It implements HibernatePropertiesCustomizer to register itself with Hibernate. In my opinion, this should not be necessary. You can follow this Hibernate issue to see if the Hibernate team agrees.

Let us test what effect all this has on the behavior of our repository and entities:

@TestExecutionListeners(listeners = {DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener.class})
class ApplicationTests {

	static final String PIVOTAL = "PIVOTAL";
	static final String VMWARE = "VMWARE";

	Persons persons;

	TransactionTemplate txTemplate;

	TenantIdentifierResolver currentTenant;

	void saveAndLoadPerson() {

		Person adam = createPerson(PIVOTAL, "Adam");
		Person eve = createPerson(VMWARE, "Eve");




	private Person createPerson(String schema, String name) {


		Person adam = txTemplate.execute(tx ->
					Person person = Persons.named(name);

		return adam;

As you can see, although we never explicitly set the tenant, it is appropriately set by Hibernate behind the scenes. Also, the findAll test includes a filter to the set tenant. But does it work for all variants of queries? Spring Data JPA uses a few different variants of queries:

  1. Queries based on the Criteria API. deleteAll is one case, so we can consider this case covered. Specifications, Query By Example, and Query Derivation all use the same.

  2. Some queries are implemented directly by the EntityManager — most notably, getById.

  3. If the user provides a query, it may be a JPQL query.

  4. A native SQL query.

So let us test the three cases not yet covered by our test:

void findById() {

	Person adam = createPerson(PIVOTAL, "Adam");
	Person vAdam = createPerson(VMWARE, "Adam");


void queryJPQL() {

	createPerson(PIVOTAL, "Adam");
	createPerson(VMWARE, "Adam");
	createPerson(VMWARE, "Eve");



void querySQL() {

	createPerson(PIVOTAL, "Adam");
	createPerson(VMWARE, "Adam");

	assertThatThrownBy(() -> persons.findSqlByName("Adam"))

As you can see, both JPQL and EntityManager work as one would expect.

Unfortunately, the SQL-based query does not take the tenant into account. You should be aware of this when writing multi-tenant applications.

Example 2: Schema per tenant.

To separate our data into different schemas, we still need the CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver implementation shown earlier. We revert the entity to its original state without the tenant ID. Instead of the tenant ID being in the entity, we now need an additional piece of infrastructure, the implementation of MultiTenantConnectionProvider:

class ExampleConnectionProvider implements MultiTenantConnectionProvider, HibernatePropertiesCustomizer {

	DataSource dataSource;

	public Connection getAnyConnection() throws SQLException {
		return getConnection("PUBLIC");

	public void releaseAnyConnection(Connection connection) throws SQLException {

	public Connection getConnection(String schema) throws SQLException {
		Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection();
		return connection;

	public void releaseConnection(String s, Connection connection) throws SQLException {

	public void customize(Map<String, Object> hibernateProperties) {
		hibernateProperties.put(AvailableSettings.MULTI_TENANT_CONNECTION_PROVIDER, this);

	// empty overrides skipped for brevity

It is responsible for providing connections that use the correct schema. Note that we also need a way to create a connection without a defined tenant or schema being used to access metadata during start-up of the application. Again, we have registered the bean by implementing HibernatePropertiesCustomizer.

Note that we have to provide the schema setup for all database schema. So our schema.sql now looks like this:

create schema if not exists pivotal;
create schema if not exists vmware;

create sequence pivotal.person_seq start with 1 increment by 50;
create table pivotal.person (id bigint not null, name varchar(255), primary key (id));

create sequence vmware.person_seq start with 1 increment by 50;
create table vmware.person (id bigint not null, name varchar(255), primary key (id));

Note that the public schema is created automatically and does not contain any tables.

With that infrastructure in place, we can test the behavior.

@TestExecutionListeners(listeners = {DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener.class})
class ApplicationTests {

	public static final String PIVOTAL = "PIVOTAL";
	public static final String VMWARE = "VMWARE";
	Persons persons;

	TransactionTemplate txTemplate;

	TenantIdentifierResolver currentTenant;

	void saveAndLoadPerson() {

		createPerson(PIVOTAL, "Adam");
		createPerson(VMWARE, "Eve");



	private Person createPerson(String schema, String name) {


		Person adam = txTemplate.execute(tx ->
					Person person = Persons.named(name);

		return adam;

The tenant does not get set on the entity any more, since this property does not even exist. Also, since the connection controls the data access, this approach does work even with native queries.

Example 3: Database per tenant.

The final variant uses a separate database per tenant. The Hibernate setup is quite similar to the previous example, but the MultiTenantConnectionProvider implementation now has to provide connections to different databases. I decided to do that in a Spring Data-specific way.

The connection provider need not do anything:

public class NoOpConnectionProvider implements MultiTenantConnectionProvider, HibernatePropertiesCustomizer {

	DataSource dataSource;

	public Connection getAnyConnection() throws SQLException {
		return dataSource.getConnection();

	public void releaseAnyConnection(Connection connection) throws SQLException {

	public Connection getConnection(String schema) throws SQLException {
		return dataSource.getConnection();

	public void releaseConnection(String s, Connection connection) throws SQLException {

	public void customize(Map<String, Object> hibernateProperties) {
		hibernateProperties.put(AvailableSettings.MULTI_TENANT_CONNECTION_PROVIDER, this);

	// empty overrides skipped for brevity

Instead, the heavy lifting is done by an extension of AbstractRoutingDataSource:

public class TenantRoutingDatasource extends AbstractRoutingDataSource {

	private TenantIdentifierResolver tenantIdentifierResolver;

	TenantRoutingDatasource() {


		HashMap<Object, Object> targetDataSources = new HashMap<>();
		targetDataSources.put("VMWARE", createEmbeddedDatabase("VMWARE"));
		targetDataSources.put("PIVOTAL", createEmbeddedDatabase("PIVOTAL"));

	protected String determineCurrentLookupKey() {
		return tenantIdentifierResolver.resolveCurrentTenantIdentifier();

	private EmbeddedDatabase createEmbeddedDatabase(String name) {

		return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()

This approach would even work without the Hibernate Multitenant feature. By using the CurrentTenantIdentifierResolver, Hibernate is aware of the current tenant. It asks the connection provider for an appropriate connection, but that ignores the tenant information and relies on the AbstractRoutingDataSource to already have switched to the correct actual DataSource.

The test looks and behaves exactly as in the schema-based variant — no need to repeat it here.


Hibernate’s Multitenant feature integrates nicely with Spring Data JPA. Be sure to avoid SQL queries when using partitioned tables. When separating by the database, you might use AbstractRoutingDataSource for a solution that does not depend on Hibernate.

The Spring Data Examples Git repository contains the example projects for all three approaches on which this article is based.

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