This Week in Spring - May 14th, 2024

Engineering | Josh Long | May 14, 2024 | ...

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring!

This week's highlights in the Spring ecosystem emphasize the ongoing advancements and applications of Spring AI. The discussions range from exploring the impressive VectorStore abstraction and enhanced structured output support to practical integrations with platforms like Azure OpenAI and Neo4J. There are several posts this week about how Spring AI can power intelligent applications. The celebration of Spring Boot's 10th anniversary with its cofounders and a historical reflection by Spring founder Rod Johnson further underscore the community's enduring innovation and commitment to evolving with cutting-edge technologies. Basically, this week seems like a celebration of where we've been and a discussion of where we're going.

A huge part of that future is AI. Did you see that OpenAI just announced their Spring Update? It's not the same as this Spring update! Theirs has more whizbang demos, but this one has more spelling errors. We are the same. And theirs also includes news of GPT4o. It's phenomenal, and sees ChatGPT's day-to-day integration opportunities catch up with (and maybe leapfrog?) multimodal systems like Google's Gemini.

My hunch? AI is going to be everywhere - even more than it already is! - before too long. Are you ready? Is your application ready? There are amazing opportunities here, and Spring AI is an amazing tool for AI engineering to help you to integrate production-worthy AI features into your application.

There's a lot to cover, so let's dive in!

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