Spring BlazeDS Integration 1.0.0 Released

Releases | Jeremy Grelle | June 11, 2009 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I'm pleased to announce that the first GA release of Spring BlazeDS Integration, the open source solution for building Spring-powered RIAs with Adobe Flex, is now available.

Download | Reference Documentation | JavaDocs | Changelog

In response to the community feedback since the release of RC2, we've clarified some of the documentation, made a few minor improvements to the Spring Integration messaging adapter, added some metadata to help with tooling support, and tweaked the ivy and pom files to ensure all dependencies are properly captured. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of those who have tried out the early releases and provided feedback, as it has been critical to ensuring that the full 1.0 is solid.

For anyone who is just starting to explore the world of Spring-powered RIAs, be sure to check out Using Spring BlazeDS Integration 1.0 for an introduction and to get up and running.

As always, I encourage anyone interested to get involved by trying out the release and giving us feedback in the community forum and Jira. We've already got a few ideas for what more we can add in the future, and we're always open to hearing your ideas fueled by real-world experience.

Jeremy Grelle
Spring BlazeDS Integration Lead

SpringSource Tool Suite 2.1.0.M2 released

Releases | Christian Dupuis | June 05, 2009 | ...

Dear Spring community,

we are pleased to announce that we released a second milestone of upcoming SpringSource Tool Suite 2.1.0.

Here are the highlights of new features in 2.1.0.M2:

  • Updated to Spring 3.0 including support for @Configuration/@Bean and task:* and jdbc:* namespaces
  • Ability to use external Roo installation with STS; Roo commands are executed in background to not block the UI
  • Integration of VMware Lab Manager
  • Management of and remote application deployment to tc Server instances (groups or single instances)
  • Major performance improvement with the Spring Project Builder

More details about features is available from the New & Noteworthy.

Remember, STS is free. Get your copy at http://www.springsource.com/products/sts.


Spring BlazeDS Integration 1.0.0.RC2 Released

Releases | Jeremy Grelle | May 20, 2009 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I'm pleased to announce that the second release candidate of Spring BlazeDS Integration, the open source solution for building Spring-powered RIAs with Adobe Flex, is now available.

Download | Reference Documentation | JavaDocs | Changelog

This is mainly a bug fix release to correct some minor issues found thanks to the fantastic community feedback in response to RC1, but we've also made some key improvements to the way the project is packaged and made available. We are now bundling the comprehensive Spring BlazeDS Integration Test Drive sample application, developed in conjunction with Adobe, together with the project distribution. This version of the Test Drive is set up to be built with Maven, imported into Eclipse, and run with WTP. A short guide to building and running the sample has been added to the reference manual. Additionally, this is the first release to publish Maven-central-compatible POM's, available in our milestone repository.

The community has provided us with excellent feedback throughout the development process, and I encourage anyone interested to get involved by trying out the new functionality and giving us feedback in the community forum and Jira as we push quickly towards a final 1.0.

Jeremy Grelle
Spring BlazeDS Integration Lead

Spring BlazeDS Integration 1.0.0.RC1 Released

Releases | Jeremy Grelle | May 06, 2009 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I'm pleased to announce that the first release candidate of Spring BlazeDS Integration, the newest of the open source Spring web projects, is now available.

Download | Reference Documentation | JavaDocs | Changelog

In addition to a number of bug fixes and some general refactoring, the main features of note that have been added in this release are:

  • Annotation-based configuration of remote destinations
  • Numerous customization hooks for things such as exception translation and incorporating third-party adapters
  • Full integration with the BlazeDS Message Service, including support for AMF, JMS, and Spring Integration messaging transports

For those upgrading from M2, take note that the <flex:remote-service> tag has been renamed to <flex:remoting-destination> to be more consistent with the BlazeDS nomenclature. Other than that change, the upgrade process from M2 to RC1 should be smooth.

The community has provided us with excellent feedback throughout the development process, and I encourage anyone interested to get involved by trying out the new functionality and giving us feedback in the community forum and Jira as we push quickly towards a full-fledged 1.0.

Leading up to the 1.0 release, SpringSource and Adobe will be hosting another joint eSeminar on May 14th covering how to get up and running building Spring-powered RIAs with Adobe Flex and Spring BlazeDS Integration. You can sign up here for this free eSeminar.

Jeremy Grelle
Spring BlazeDS Integration Lead

Spring Web Flow 2.0.7 Released

Releases | Keith Donald | April 20, 2009 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce that Spring Web Flow 2.0.7 has been released. Download | Maven | Documentation | Changelog

This is a bugfix and minor improvement release addressing all known issues reported against previous 2.0.x releases; see the Changelog for all the details. We recommend upgrading to 2.0.7 from previous 2.0.x versions. Enjoy! Keith Donald Web Flow Project Lead

Spring IDE 2.2.2 and dm Server Tools 1.1.2. released

Releases | Christian Dupuis | March 18, 2009 | ...

Dear Spring community,

I'm pleased to announce that our EPL-licensed Spring IDE and dm Server Tools have been updated.

Both releases are mainly addressing bug fixes and minor improvements. Additionally the dm Server Tools got some new features like Bundle and PAR export as well as tailing of application trace files.

You can install both from our new consolidated Eclipse update site available from http://www.springsource.org/update/e3.4 (please note that this update site does not work with a web browser).

Cheers, Christian Dupuis Lead, Spring IDE & SpringSource Tool Suite

Spring BlazeDS Integration 1.0.0.M2 Released

Releases | Jeremy Grelle | March 05, 2009 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I'm pleased to announce that the second public development milestone of Spring BlazeDS Integration, the newest of the open source Spring projects, is now available.

Download | Reference Documentation | JavaDocs | Changelog

The main features of note that have been added in this release are integration with Spring Security, and simplified XML-namespace-based configuration.  The namespace support results in significantly simpler Spring configuration files than using the full <bean> syntax, especially when using the new security features.

The community has thus far been providing us with some great feedback, and I encourage anyone interested to get involved by trying out the new functionalityand giving us feedback in the community forum and Jira as we progress towards a full-fledged 1.0.

We are looking forward to releasing RC1 in the very near future with the final major new features being centered around messaging integration, including support for both basic Spring JMS, and for more complex routing scenarios using Spring Integration channels.  

In case you missed it, Christophe Coenraets from Adobe recently provided a great introduction to Spring BlazeDS Integration on Adobe TV.  

Jeremy Grelle
Spring BlazeDS Integration Lead 

Spring Framework 3.0 M2 released (03/2009)

Releases | Adam Fitzgerald | March 02, 2009 | ...

If you aren't following the SpringSource blog you may have missed it, but last week Juergen Hoeller announced the availability of the second milestone for Spring 3.0. Juergen's blog post covers all of the details about the milestone including the new RestTemplate, early JPA 2.0 support, more Java 5 style API updates and other improvements.

You can always get the latest milestones, release candidates and full releases for Spring from the download center.

Spring LDAP 1.3.0.RELEASE

Releases | Mattias Arthursson | February 04, 2009 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are delighted to announce the availability of Spring LDAP 1.3.0.RELEASE. This is a major release, containing more than 50 fixes compared to the 1.2.1 version; modifications varying in importance from internal modifications and minor fixes to important bug fixes and and significant functionality additions.

Most importantly we now provide a means to perform simple LDAP authentication directly in LdapTemplate. Other useful improvements include TLS connection support, referral handling improvements, as well as a couple of important fixes working around problems in the underlying Java JNDI API. As always, refer to the Change Log for a complete list of the changes included in this version.

Download | API Docs | Reference Docs

About the Spring LDAP Project
For more information on the Spring LDAP project, refer to the project home. Comments and support requests should be posted to the Spring LDAP support forum. Bugs and feature requests should be reported to the Jira issue tracker.

Mattias Arthursson & Ulrik Sandberg,
Spring LDAP Project Team

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