Spring Framework 2.0 M1 released

Releases | Rod Johnson | December 22, 2005 | ...

The beginning of the next season of Spring is here:  Spring Framework 2.0 M1 has been released.

Download it here.

Important new features include:

  • Simplified, extensible XML configuration
  • Powerful new Spring AOP features and AspectJ 5 integration
  • Asynchronous JMS facilities enabling message-driven POJOs
  • Spring Portlet MVC, a MVC framework for JSR-168 Portlets
  • ... and much, much more

Spring 2.0 remains 100% backwards compatible with Spring 1.2 and continues to run on Java 1.3 and greater.

A word on the new configuration enhancements: Spring 2.0 uses XML Schema to support the definition of tailored application configuration schemas.  The M1 release ships convenient XML tags that greatly simplify the definition of declarative transactions, JNDI lookups, custom aspects, and common utility services such as loading properties files.

Please review the central JPetstore sample application included in the release.  This sample demonstrates the new 2.0 features in action and will continued to be refined in subsequent milestones.

Read Juergen's original announcement on the developer mailing list for more information.

Review the Spring 2.0 roadmap for information about upcoming milestones.

Spring Framework 1.2.6 Released

Releases | Juergen Hoeller | November 14, 2005 | ...

We're pleased to announce that Spring 1.2.6 has just been released. This is a bugfix and minor enhancement release, fixing a number of issues found in previous 1.2.x releases and introducing various minor new features.

As always, for a full list of enhancements and fixes, please see the changelog.


For anybody accessing CVS, note that CVS HEAD is now finally dedicated to Spring 2.0 development. A maintenance branch "mbranch-1-2" has been created for any future work in the 1.2.x line.

During the course of this week, we will move already prepared 2.0 features from the sandbox over to the main sources. Starting with this, the nightly snapshots will be 1.3 RC1 previews, already containing 1.3 features.

Spring Framework 1.2.5 Released

Releases | Juergen Hoeller | September 23, 2005 | ...

We're pleased to announce that Spring 1.2.5 has just been released. This is a bugfix and minor enhancement release, fixing a number of issues found in previous 1.2.x releases and introducing various minor new features.

As always, for a full list of enhancements and fixes, please see the changelog.

Spring Framework 1.2.4 Released

Releases | Colin Sampaleanu | August 27, 2005 | ...

We're pleased to announce that Spring 1.2.4 has just been released. This is a bugfix and minor enhancement release, fixing a number of issues found in previous 1.2.x releases and introducing various minor new features.

All Spring 1.2.x users are encouraged to upgrade to Spring 1.2.4. Watch out for a Spring 1.3 release candidate, including Portlet support, and the first Web Flow release candidate in late September!

As always, for a full list of enhancements and fixes, please see the changelog.

Spring IDE 1.2.3 Released

Releases | Torsten Juergeleit | August 24, 2005 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce that Spring IDE 1.2.3 has been released.
Version 1.2.3 is a bugfix release with one enhancement. For a complete list of bugfixes and enhancements included visit http://springide.org/project/milestone/Release%201.2.3


  • Spring libraries are updated to version 1.2.3
  • a preview version of the BeansXmlEditor is included (to use this editor some requirements have to be fulfilled)

More details are available from the project's site http://springide.org/

This release is available from the project's Eclipse update site http://springide.org/updatesite/

For bug reports tickets can be opened via http://springide.org/project/newticket

Spring Framework Training Summary (August)

Releases | Colin Sampaleanu | August 16, 2005 | ...

(updated 2005-8-19 with missing date for Washington training). 

Interface21 is pleased to offer a number of Spring Framework training events in the upcoming period, taught by the same people who built Spring.

For full details, please visit the main training information page.

Here is a summary of the upcoming courses and venues:

  • Core Spring: Sep. 6th-9th, London, UK
  • Core Spring: Sep. 13th-16th, New York City, USA (early bird date is Aug. 19th!)
  • Core Spring: Sep. 27th-30th, San Jose, CA, USA (early bird date is Sep. 9th!)
  • Core Spring: Oct. 11th-14th, Washington, DC (early bird date is Sep. 16th!)
  • Spring JDBC Development with Oracle: Oct. 11th-12th, New York City, USA
  • Introduction to Spring: Nov. 7th-9th, Amsterdam, NL (early bird date is Oct. 7th!)
  • Core Spring: Nov. 22nd-25th, Amsterdam, NL (early bird date is Oct. 28th!)
  • Introduction to Spring: Nov. 30th - Dec. 2nd, Amsterdam, NL (early bird date is Oct. 28th!)
Not interested in formal Spring Framework training? How about a bit of Spring during Winter? The Spring Experience 2005 conference is taking place in sunny Bal Harbor, Florida, from Dec. 7th-10th.

Spring Web Flow PR5 Released

Releases | Keith Donald | July 28, 2005 | ...

We're pleased to announce the release of Spring Web Flow Preview 5 (PR5).

Download the release from Sourceforge.

All users of previous previews are encouraged to upgrade to this release.  Special thanks to the SWF forum community for being so helpful in readying the quality of this release.

This release addresses several issues introduced in PR4, notably restoring JDK 1.3 and Struts 1.1 compatibility.  It also adds the API JavaDocs to the release archive along with a considerable amount of general release documentation.  Last but not least, this release improves upon the one-step build process to building and deploying the sample applications.

Access the change log to review the full set of changes.


Keith Donald
Erwin Vervaet

Spring Framework 1.2.3 Released

Releases | Colin Sampaleanu | July 26, 2005 | ...

We're pleased to announce that Spring 1.2.3 has just been released. This is a bugfix and minor enhancement release, fixing a number of issues related to the application context startup sequence and introducing various minor new features.

All Spring 1.2.2 users are encouraged to upgrade to Spring 1.2.3, in particular if using factory methods and/or auto-proxy creation (as used by the transaction annotation support). Full backwards compatibility with Spring 1.2.1 should be restored in that area.

As always, for a full list of enhancements and fixes, please see the changelog.

Spring IDE 1.2.2 Released

Releases | Torsten Juergeleit | July 25, 2005 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce that Spring IDE 1.2.2 has been released.
Version 1.2.2 is a bugfix release with one enhancement. For a complete list of bugfixes and enhancements included visit http://springide.org/project/milestone/Release%201.2.2


  • BeansView now preserves it's state while the BeansCoreModel is re-created (due to modified beans config file) 


More details are available from the project's site http://springide.org/

This release is available from the project's Eclipse update site http://springide.org/updatesite/

For bug reports tickets can be opened via http://springide.org/project/newticket

Spring IDE WebFlow Editor Preview 2 Released

Releases | Torsten Juergeleit | July 19, 2005 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

We are pleased to announce that Spring IDE WebFlow Support Preview Release 2 has been released. 

PR2 is a bugfix release with a few enhancements. For a complete list of bugfixes and enhancements included visit http://springide.org/project/report/9.


  • Full support for Spring WebFlow PR3 features
  • WebFlowValidator as extension to Spring IDE core's builder extension point
  • Polished the graphical editor interface
  • Added support for Xml comments
  • Several bugfixes and enhancements

More details are available from the project's site http://springide.org/.

This release is available from the project's Eclipse developer update site http://springide.org/updatesite_dev/.

For bug reports tickets can be opened via http://springide.org/project/newticket. Please refer to PR2 using the version 'webflow.PR2'. The upcoming PR3 release will support the recently announced Spring WebFlow PR4 features.

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