Spring IDE 1.3 Released
Dear Spring Community,
We are pleased to announce that Spring IDE 1.3 has been released.
This release of Spring IDE provides some new features
and a bunch of bugfixes. For a complete list visit http://springide.org/project/milestone/Release%201.3
- Now Eclipse 3.1 and Web Tools are required!!!
- Updated to Spring 1.2.7
- Updated version of BeansXmlEditor
- Support for searching the BeansCoreModel
- Open Spring Bean dialog (similar to JDT's "Open Type" dialog)
- Wizard for creating a new SpringProject
- BeansView can be linked to BeansXmlEditor
- Now any filename extensions for BeansConfig files are supported
More details are available from the project's site http://springide.org/
Use Eclipse's update manager to install this this release from the project's update site http://springide.org/updatesite/
For bug reports tickets can be opened via http://springide.org/project/newticket