React-ing to + User feedback updates

Releases | Damien Vitrac | June 05, 2019 | ...

We are happy to announce today that is now built using React/Gatsby as the front-end framework. We also made UI improvements based on your feedback. Thank you to all those who have contributed to this update and to all the users who continue to tell us how to improve!


During the previous Web UI modernization (launched on March 5th), we realized that making even small changes to the site had become more time consuming than we anticipated. The architecture was inhibiting our ability to run experiments and move quickly to make small, incremental changes.

As a result, we decided to rewrite the front-end using a modern and popular javascript framework - Gatsby

Java CFEnv 1.1.0.M1 Released

Releases | Mark Pollack | May 31, 2019 | ...


On behalf of the community I am happy to announce the release of Java CFEnv 1.1 M1.

This release brings in contributions from several teams

  • EMC Volume Service

  • Pivotal Single Sign-On Service

  • Pivotal Redis Service

Support for Volume Services is a new feature. Single Sign-On functionality has been improved to set Spring Security auto-configuration properties for Spring Security 5’s OAuth support. The Redis support has been improved to support auto-configuration of TLS.

The project README has more information.

A release candidate is going out next week, followed quickly by a GA release. Please try it out and give feedback on our github issues

CVE-2019-11269: Spring Security OAuth 2.3.6, 2.2.5, 2.1.5, 2.0.18 Released

Releases | Josh Cummings | May 30, 2019 | ...

We have released Spring Security OAuth 2.3.6, 2.2.5, 2.1.5 and 2.0.18 to address CVE-2019-11269: Open Redirector in spring-security-oauth2. Please review the information in the CVE report and upgrade immediately.

For additional changes included in each release, please refer to:

NOTE: For users of Spring Boot 1.5.x and Spring IO Platform Cairo, it is highly recommended to override the spring-security-oauth version to the latest version containing the fix for the CVE. Please see the Mitigation section in the CVE report…

Spring Cloud Edgware.SR6 Released

Releases | Ryan Baxter | May 29, 2019 | ...

On behalf of the community, I am pleased to announce that the Service Release 6 (SR6) of the Spring Cloud Edgware Release Train is available today. The release can be found in Maven Central. You can check out the Edgware release notes for more information.

Edgware End Of Life Reminder

As a reminder, the Edgware release train will reach EOL status on August 1st, 2019.

Notable Changes in the Edgware Release Train

Spring Cloud Netflix

Spring Cloud Sleuth

Spring Cloud Config

Spring Cloud Commons

Spring Cloud Contract

Spring Cloud Vault

  • Upgraded to Vault 1.1.3

Spring Cloud Open Service Broker 3.0.1 Released

Releases | Roy Clarkson | May 28, 2019 | ...

We are pleased to announce the 3.0.1 release of Spring Cloud Open Service Broker. This release is a maintenance release that includes the following updates:

  • Improve getting started experience
  • Update reference documentation

Include the following Spring Boot starter:


Project Page | GitHub | Reference Doc | API Doc

Spring Tools 4.2.2 released

Releases | Martin Lippert | May 24, 2019 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

I am happy to announce the 4.2.2 release of the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse, Visual Studio Code, and Atom.

Highlights from this release include:

  • (all language servers) performance: additional improvements to language server startup time
  • (Spring Boot) new: navigation for bean identifiers, bean classes, and property names for Spring XML config files
  • (Spring Boot) new: content-assist rolled out for many more Spring XML config elements and attributes
  • (Spring Boot) fixed: Detect @RequestMapping with path defined as constant instead of literal string (#281)
  • (CF Manifest) new: added support for anchors and references
  • (Eclipse) new: added project-related XSD schema resolution
  • (Eclipse) fixed: high CPU and memory spikes when code minings and live hovers are active (#292

Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.1 GA Released

Releases | Mark Pollack | May 21, 2019 | ...

The Spring Cloud Data Flow team is pleased to announce the release of 2.1 of Data Flow.

We have a brand new website with great new content, which is where you can find our getting started guide for use on Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes and your Local Machine.

Here are the highlights:

New Dedicated Data Flow Website

The Data Flow team takes pride is openly communicating with the community in various forums including StackOverflow, Gitter, GitHub, Twitter, and at times in Email and Zoom calls even.

However, we realized that we could provide a much better experience to answer common questions and provide an easier on-ramp to using Data Flow if we focused on improving the online documentation. The reference guide was not the ideal format to achieve that goal, so we embarked on creating a new website -

Reactor Dysprosium-M1 is Available Now

Releases | Stephane Maldini | May 15, 2019 | ...

The 4th Generation of Reactor is arriving. On behalf of the team we want to thank all our community for the tremendous feedback. Over the last year we have grown our reactive line-up significantly including R2DBC and BlockHound. Our adoption in the java ecosystem looks phenomenal and we are collaborating with major corps including Microsoft and Google. We have more than doubled our regular Gitter audience with some awesome -you guessed it- reactive discussions happening every day. Finally, Sergei Egorov has joined the core team and we have no plans to stop expanding!

Dysprosium-M1 is available on our milestone repository. It is paving the way for more changes in the work. It's worth noting that 2 features are being deprecated, and evaluated for removal at the…

Reactor Californium-SR8 is out

Releases | Stephane Maldini | May 15, 2019 | ...

The 8th Service Release for Californium is out. Beyond fixing its share of issues, it is shipping with a turbo-charged reactor-netty -thanks to changes backported- from our new Dysprosium-M1 release.

The release is available on your preferred maven central repository.

Change logs and release notes:

Note that the release overrides Californium-SR7 which has shipped with an unwelcome regression in reactor-netty 0.8.7.

Bismuth EOL

Anticipating the coming Dysprosium-RELEASE, our reactor-core 3.1.x and reactor-netty 0.7.x lines will not receive further patches. We encourage our users to update to Californium releases trains, which match Spring Boot 2.1.x and Spring Framework 5.1.x

Spring Data R2DBC 1.0 M2 and Spring Boot starter released

Releases | Mark Paluch | May 15, 2019 | ...

Spring Data R2DBC

On behalf of the community and everyone who contributed, I'm delighted to announce the availability of the second milestone of Spring Data R2DBC 1.0. It is based on the recently released Moore M4 release and R2DBC 0.8.0.M8 release. Please note that Spring Data R2DBC is released outside of the Moore release train and it will be part of the next release train Neumann.

Spring Data R2DBC ships with 32 tickets fixed. The most notable features are:

  • Support for MySQL by using jasync-sql.
  • Reactive transaction manager.
  • Fluent API for insert/update/delete operations.
  • Coroutine extensions.
  • Support for custom conversions.
  • Named parameters that are translated to native bind markers by using Dialect instances.
  • Support for single-column projections for simple types.
  • Refactored package structure.

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