Spring Cloud Stream Applications2022.0.0

Spring Cloud Stream Applications are standalone executable applications that communicate over messaging middleware such as Apache Kafka and RabbitMQ.

These applications can run independently on a variety of runtime platforms, including Kubernetes, Docker, Cloud Foundry, or even on your laptop.


  • Out-of-the-box applications ready to run as standalone Spring Boot applications.

  • Assemble a set of applications into a coherent streaming data pipeline in Spring Cloud Data Flow.

  • Override configuration parameters via application properties, environment variables, or in the YAML file.

Available Applications

You can find a list of the available applications here.

Quick Start

Step 1 - Download the latest time-source application from here (eg: 4.0.1-SNAPSHOT)

Step 2 - Download the latest log-sink application from here (eg: 4.0.1-SNAPSHOT)

Step 3 - Start Kafka

Step 4 - Start the Time Source producer application pointing to ticktock topic in Kafka

java -jar time-source-kafka-***.jar --spring.cloud.stream.bindings.output.destination=ticktock

Step 5 - Start the Log Sink consumer application pointing to ticktock topic in Kafka

java -jar log-sink-kafka-***.jar --spring.cloud.stream.bindings.input.destination=ticktock --server.port=0

Step 6 - Verify ticktock output in the log-sink logs

Stream Applications and Spring Cloud Data Flow

Find out how to use the apps in Spring Cloud Data Flow by reviewing the app-registration section in the reference guide.

HTTP Repository Location for Apps

The following links are convenient ways to download individual applications and metadata using tools like wget, curl etc. You can look at these files and copy individual application links.

Versions: Boot / Stream Rabbit MQ Apache Kafka
Spring Boot 3.1.4 / Spring Cloud Stream 4.0.4 Stable Release / Latest Snapshot Stable Release / Latest Snapshot
Spring Boot 2.6.8 / Spring Cloud Stream 3.2.4 Stable Release / Latest Snapshot Stable Release / Latest Snapshot
Spring Initializr

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