Mark Pollack

Mark Pollack

Mark Pollack is a software engineer with Pivotal and is the lead of the Spring Cloud Data Flow project. He has been a contributor to many Spring projects dating back to the Spring Framework in 2003 as well as founding the Spring.NET and Spring Data projects.

Blog posts by Mark Pollack

Spring AI 1.0.0 M2 released

Releases | August 23, 2024 | ...

We are happy to announce the 1.0.0 Milestone 2 release of Spring AI.

This release brings significant enhancements and new features across various areas.

Key Focus: Observability

A major emphasis for this release has been on observability functionality, crucial for monitoring, debugging, and optimizing AI applications. Comprehensive observability features have been introduced for:

  • ChatClient (including Advisors)
  • Chat Models (OpenAI, Ollama, Mistral, Anthropic)
  • Embedding Models
  • Image Generation Models
  • Vector Stores

Note: Support for additional ChatModel implementation will be added in future…

Spring AI 1.0.0 M1 released

Releases | May 30, 2024 | ...

We are happy to announce the 1.0.0 Milestone 1 release of Spring AI.

This release has the following new features an improvements.

ChatClient Fluent API

The fluent API provides methods to construct a Prompt, which is then passed as input to the AI model. You create a ChatClient using the ChatClient.Builder object. You can obtain an auto-configured ChatClient.Builder from Spring Boot autoconfiguration or create one programmatically.

If you're familiar with other Spring client classes like WebClient, RestClient, and JdbcClient, this will feel familiar.

Here is a simple usage example

Spring AI 0.8.1 Released

Releases | March 12, 2024 | ...

We are happy to announce the milestone 0.8.1 release of Spring AI. Thanks for all the community contributions and great discussion on GitHub issues.

This release has the following new features and improvements.

Google Gemini

Google recently released its Gemini AI Model. It has many exciting features and functionalities; check their release blog for an overview.

Features supported in Spring AI are:

Spring AI 0.8.0 Released

Releases | February 23, 2024 | ...

We are happy to announce the first milestone release of Spring AI, version 0.8.0. A big thanks to the over 50 community members and employees in other companies who have contributed to the project. Your work is very much appreciated!

The Spring AI project was founded based on the realization that creating AI applications was no longer the sole domain of Machine Learning or AI Specialists, who typically use Python. With the meteoric rise in popularity of ChatGPT, which provides a simple Web API to access pre-trained models, creating compelling AI applications has become accessible to software…

Java CFEnv 1.1 GA Released

Releases | June 19, 2019 | ...

On behalf of the Java CFEnv community I am happy to announce the release of Java CFEnv 1.1 GA.

This release add support for the following services:

  • Volume Services

  • Pivotal Single Sign-On Service

  • Pivotal Redis Service

It also adds the following functionality:

  • Checks the classpath to correctly determine setting of MySQL or MariaDB driver class name.

  • When using the Spring Boot support, an exception is thrown if the Spring Cloud Connector library is on the classpath. This applies only for the following services: DataSource, RabbitMQ, Cassandra, MongoDB, and Redis. The exception message indicates to set the environment variable JBP_CONFIG_SPRING_AUTO_RECONFIGURATION '{enabled: false}'

  • Support for Boot 1.5.x by copying a logging utility class into the project.

Java CFEnv 1.1.0.RC1 Released

Releases | June 12, 2019 | ...


On behalf of the community I am happy to announce the release of Java CFEnv 1.1 RC1.

The RC1 release adds the following functionality:

  • Checks the classpath to correctly determine setting of MySQL or MariaDB driver class name.

  • When using the Boot support, an exception is thrown if the Spring Cloud Connector library is on the classpath. This applies only for the following services: DataSource, RabbitMQ, Cassandra, MongoDB, and Redis. The exception message indicates to set the environment variable JBP_CONFIG_SPRING_AUTO_RECONFIGURATION '{enabled: false}'

  • Support for Boot 1.5.x by copying a logging utility class into the project.

Java CFEnv 1.1.0.M1 Released

Releases | May 31, 2019 | ...


On behalf of the community I am happy to announce the release of Java CFEnv 1.1 M1.

This release brings in contributions from several teams

  • EMC Volume Service

  • Pivotal Single Sign-On Service

  • Pivotal Redis Service

Support for Volume Services is a new feature. Single Sign-On functionality has been improved to set Spring Security auto-configuration properties for Spring Security 5’s OAuth support. The Redis support has been improved to support auto-configuration of TLS.

The project README has more information.

A release candidate is going out next week, followed quickly by a GA release. Please try it out and give feedback on our github issues

Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.1 GA Released

Releases | May 21, 2019 | ...

The Spring Cloud Data Flow team is pleased to announce the release of 2.1 of Data Flow.

We have a brand new website with great new content, which is where you can find our getting started guide for use on Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes and your Local Machine.

Here are the highlights:

New Dedicated Data Flow Website

The Data Flow team takes pride is openly communicating with the community in various forums including StackOverflow, Gitter, GitHub, Twitter, and at times in Email and Zoom calls even.

However, we realized that we could provide a much better experience to answer common questions and provide an easier on-ramp to using Data Flow if we focused on improving the online documentation. The reference guide was not the ideal format to achieve that goal, so we embarked on creating a new website -

Spring Cloud Data Flow and Skipper 2.0 GA Released

Releases | March 06, 2019 | ...

The Spring Cloud Data Flow team is pleased to announce the release of 2.0 of Data Flow. Follow the Getting Started guides for running on Local, Cloud Foundry, and Kubernetes.

Hand in hand is the 2.0 release of Spring Cloud Skipper. The getting started section in the reference guide is the best place to start if you want to use Skipper separately from Data Flow.

Here are the highlights for Data Flow

  • Stream deployment always delegates to Skipper

  • Single server that runs on all supported platforms

  • Launch tasks against multiple platforms

  • UI improvements

  • Standardize on OAuth2 and OpenID Connect for Security

  • Revamped metrics and monitoring of deployed applications

  • Updated analytics using micrometer

  • Database migration support

  • Update to Boot 2.1

  • Update internals to use JPA

  • Task/Job Execution and Performance improvements

java-cfenv 1.0 GA Released

Releases | March 04, 2019 | ...

The java-cfenv library is a new library for accessing Cloud Foundry Services. For Spring Boot users, it extracts service credentials from the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable and sets well known Spring Boot auto-configuration properties.

You can find more about it in the 1.0 M1 release blog as well as the README.

In this release the following Cloud Foundry Services are supported

  • Databases - DB2, MySQL, Oracle, Postgresql, SqlServer

  • RabbitMQ

  • Cassandra

  • MongoDB

  • Redis

  • Pivotal Single Sign On

Of note, there is a new interface, CfEnvProcessor that simplifies what you need to write in order to provide integration with other Cloud Foundry services. The docs on supporting other services

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