Oleg Zhurakousky

Oleg Zhurakousky

Blog posts by Oleg Zhurakousky

Spring Integration 2.1.4.RELEASE and 2.2.0.RC2 are released!

Releases | October 19, 2012 | ...

Dear Spring Community,

Just to close off SpringOne2GX 2012 with the bang, I am pleased to announce the release of Spring Integration 2.1.4.RELEASE and Spring Integration 2.2.0.RC2!

Resources for Spring Integration 2.1.4.RELEASE Downloads | JavaDocs | Reference Documentation | Release notes

Resources for Spring Integration 2.2.0.RC2 Downloads | JavaDocs | Reference Documentation | Release notes

Please read the following blogs to catch up on the new features of Spring Integration 2.2 MongoDb Adapter Support
Pseudo Transaction and Transaction Synchronization
JPA Support

and more to follow:

Special thanks to our community contributors - Artem Bilan and Amol Nayak

What's New in Spring Integration 2.2.RC1 (Part 1 - MongoDb)

Engineering | September 24, 2012 | ...


Spring Integration 2.2.RC1 is out and we will be coming out with a set of blogs in the coming days discussing some of its new features. In this first blog we'll talk about MongoDb Inbound and Outbound Channel Adapters. Full set of discussed samples is available here

MongoDb Outbound Channel Adapter

MongoDb Outbound Channel Adapter allows you to write the Message payload to a MongoDb document store.

You can see the simplest configuration of the MongoDb Channel Adapter below:

<int-mongodb:outbound-channel-adapter id="deafultAdapter"/>

It will be initialized with the default instance of the MongoDbFactory (the default bean name is 'mongoDbFactory') otherwise you can provide its reference via mongodb-factory attribute.

Now you can run the MongoDbOutboundAdapterDemo. After running it open terminal window and start MongoDb CLI

$> mongo

Once in MongoDb CLI type a query:

> db.data.find({})

And you should see the 3 document entries we just created:

{ "_id" : ObjectId("505ff83d03649ed6881d…

Spring Integration 2.1.2.RELEASE and 2.2.0.M2 are released!

Releases | June 04, 2012 | ...

The Spring Integration team is pleased to announce the release of:

Spring Integration 2.1.2.RELEASE - a small maintenance release with some important bug fixes

Spring Integration 2.2.0.M2 - Second milestone release of 2.2 stream whose main theme is JPA support as well as other important features and improvements

More information is available on project's home page

Spring Integration 2.2.0.M1 is released

Releases | May 17, 2012 | ...

We are pleased to announce the first milestone release of Spring Integration 2.2 stream - Spring Integration 2.2.0.M1. Spring Integration provides an extension of the Spring programming model to support the well-known Enterprise Integration Patterns

Aside from the usual bug fixes this release brings quite a few new features and upgrades:

  • Dependency upgrades such as Spring 3.1.0.RELEASE, Spring AMQP 1.1.0.RELEASE, Spring Data Mongo 1.1.0.M1, Spring Gemfire 1.1.1.RELEASE
  • JPA support
  • Initial support for graceful shutdown of integration context
  • Support for 'Publisher Confirms and Returns' based on new features of Spring AMQP
  • etc.

This release also contains many improvements. You can see full release notes here

For more information about Spring Integration, refer to the project's home page

Introducing Spring Integration Scala DSL

Engineering | March 05, 2012 | ...


The Spring Integration team is happy to announce the first milestone release (1.0.0.M1) of the Spring Integration Scala DSL - one of the newest additions to Spring Integration portfolio.
What is the Spring Integration Scala DSL?

The Spring Integration Scala DSL is a Domain Specific Language written in Scala with the goals of:

    • providing a strongly-typed alternative to XML configuration for Spring Integration
    • raising awareness about Spring Integration in Scala community
    • providing first class integration with various Scala frameworks and products such as Akka
    • providing seamless integration with Java where Scala developers can still leverage their existing Java investments

One thing we would like to point out is that the Spring Integration Scala DSL is not itself a new EIP framework. Rather, it's a Scala-based DSL that sits on top of the Java-based Spring Integration framework, and, in the first milestone, the DSL itself still relies heavily on Java types from the Spring Integration API. However, as it progresses through subsequent milestones, the DSL will evolve to become increasingly Scala-esque. We do believe that such close integration with the existing…

New Spring Integration Samples

Engineering | September 29, 2010 | ...

Based on your overwhelming requests for more Spring Integration samples and more usable structure we are pleased to make the following announcement:

Starting with the current release of Spring Integration the samples will no longer be included with Spring Integration distribution. Instead we've switched to a much simpler collaborative model that should promote better community participation and community contributions. Samples now have a dedicated Git SCM repository and a dedicated JIRA Issue Tracking system. Sample development will also have its own lifecycle which is not dependent on the…

EIP 'Loan Broker' Reference Implementation (Part 1)

Engineering | March 18, 2010 | ...

We are pleased to announce the first installment of the 'Loan Broker' Reference Implementation. 'Loan Broker' concept has become a de-facto reference domain for showcasing Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIP) - by Gregor Hohpe ad Bobby Woolf, and this installment of the Loan Broker RI demonstrates how Enterprise Integration Patterns are realized and applied using Spring Integration (SI) framework.



At the core of EIP architecture are the very simple yet powerful concepts of Pipes and Filters and Message. Endpoints (Filters) are connected with one another via Channels (Pipes). The producing endpoint sends Message to the Channel and the Message is retrieved by the Consuming endpoint.  This architecture is meant to define various mechanisms that describe How information is exchanged between the endpoints, without any awareness of What those endpoints are or What information they are exchanging, thus providing for a very

Spring Integration 1.0.3 Samples: just add OSGi

Engineering | July 28, 2009 | ...


Last week, Mark Fisher introduced you to the new restructured and simplified Spring Integration samples that came out with the new release of Spring Integration 1.0.3 and so far the feedback was very positive. Beside restructuring and simplifying existing samples we've introduced few new samples with the goal of demonstrating some of the benefits of running Spring Integration on OSGi-based platforms. In this blog using very trivial, yet powerful example we're going to look at some of the benefits of Spring Integration and OSGi when used together to address dynamic nature of  today's enterprise.

Spring Integration is a POJO-based light weight, embeddable messaging framework with a loosely coupled programming model aimed to simplify integration of heterogeneous systems based on Enterprise Integration Patterns and without requiring a separate ESB-like engine or proprietary development and deployment environment. On the other hand, OSGi is a paradigm that allows one to compose loosely coupled systems from independent modules called OSGi Bundles. Composing systems from the set of independently developed modules might not be such a new paradigm, we've been doing it (hopefully) for a…

Spring Security customization (Part 2 - Adjusting secured session in real time)

Engineering | January 03, 2009 | ...

Imagine you are in the secured session (you are logged on and are authorized to access a particular resource), but your security infrastructure team has updated your rights and privileges. Perhaps you were given more rights and privileges or perhaps your rights were completely revoked. . . The problem is that your secured session is registered in session registry and until you log-off/log-on the Principal which represents you in this secured session will not be recreated. And what if the situation is even more dramatic (after all we are talking security here). . . You are a disgruntled employe…

Spring Security customization (Part 1 - Customizing UserDetails or extending GrantedAuthority)

Engineering | January 02, 2009 | ...

This is the first part of what I hope will become a multipart series of small posts showing practical examples around Spring Security customization. The requirements for these customizations are not imaginary and all came from the field. . .

Assume you have the following requirement. You have a list of roles where each role contains  list of business functions applicable to this role (see below):




The trick is to be able to make authorization…

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