Spring For JavaServerFaces - TSSJS Slides and Demos

Engineering | Keith Donald | March 27, 2008 | ...

Today I am delivering a presentation entitled Spring for Java Server Faces at TSSJS in Las Vegas. The presentation looks at how JSF and Spring fit together, and walks the audience through approaches to integrating these two technologies.

The slides are available for your viewing pleasure, and for you to use as you see fit.

In the presentation, I outline two approaches to integrating JSF and Spring. The first approach is what I call "JSF-centric", which is the integration approach most folks with a traditional JSF background employ today. The second approach is what I call "Spring-centric", which is a new, groundbreaking approach to JSF integration driven by the work done in the Web Flow 2 distribution.

There are two demos in this presentation, one showing an example of a "JSF-centric" Spring web application, and another showing a "Spring-centric" application that uses JSF as the UI component model. There is also a comparison of the two demos at the end of the presentation.

To review and run the demos mentioned in the slides:

  1. Use SVN to checkout https://springframework.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/springframework/spring-webflow/trunk.
  2. Access the build-spring-webflow directory and run ant. You'll need ant 1.7 to build.
  3. After the build completes, fire up Eclipse and import the spring-webflow-samples projects into your workspace. The booking-jsf project shows the "JSF-centric" approach. The swf-booking-faces project shows the "Spring-centric" approach.


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