Spring JavaConfig 1.0.0.M4 Released

Releases | Chris Beams | November 07, 2008 | ...

Dear Spring Community,
We are pleased to announce that Spring JavaConfig 1.0.0.M4 is now available.
Download | Reference Docs | API Docs

Major Highlights

  • @AnnotationDrivenTx - support for declarative transaction management
  • @AnnotationDrivenConfig - support for @Autowired, @Resource, et al.
  • @ComponentScan - scan for @Component classes directly from JavaConfig
  • @AspectJAutoProxy - first-class support for @Aspect beans
  • @MBeanExport - first class support for exporting JMX MBeans
  • Complete PetClinic sample now available with distribution demonstrating use of JavaConfig
  • Improved support for externalized values with @ExternalValue and @PropertiesValueSource
  • @ImportXml - bootstrap Spring XML bean definitions from JavaConfig
  • Improved error handling
  • ... and dozens of other resolved issues

Please give this milestone a test drive, and provide your feedback through the Spring JavaConfig Forum or Issue Tracker. For more information, visit the Spring JavaConfig Home.

Chris Beams
Spring JavaConfig Lead

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