Spring Expert Day Munich March 10th

Engineering | Eberhard Wolff | February 04, 2009 | ...

On March 10th we will do the first Spring Expert Day in Germany!

Subjects and Speakers include:

  • Spring 3.0 - Jürgen Höller (VP & Distinguished Engineer, Spring Framework Project Lead)
  • SpringSource dm Server - Next Generation Application Server (Eberhard Wolff, Principal Consultant, Regional Director)
  • Web Applications and more with Spring (Agim Emruli, Senior Consultant)
  • Spring Security Advanced (Mike Wiesner, Senior Consultant)
  • Development tools for Spring and OSGi (Christian Dupuis, Principal Software Engineer, Spring IDE & SpringSource Tool Suite Lead)
  • Management of Spring Applications with SpringSource AMS (Agim Emruli, Senior Consultant)
  • Question and Answer
All talks will be in German.

The event costs 90€ and includes lunch.

For registration and more details go to http://springmuenchen.eventbrite.com/

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