Spring Integration 2.0.0.M1 Released
Dear Spring Community,
I am pleased to announce that the Spring Integration 2.0.0 Milestone 1 release is now available.
Download | Reference Documentation | Release Notes
This milestone introduces the following features:
- Spring EL support for endpoints (router, filter, transformer, etc)
- Spring EL support for Messaging Mappers including a parameter-level @MessageMapping annotation
- AOP-based MessagePublishingInterceptor including a method-level @Publisher annotation (using SpEL also)
- JMS-backed Message Channels as drop-in replacements for any channel elements
- and more (see the Release Notes for the full list)
Community feedback is more important than ever during the milestone phase, and we have a lot of exciting features on the 2.0 roadmap.
So please give this milestone a try and join the discussions on the
forum and
issue tracker. Thanks!
Mark Fisher
Spring Integration Lead