Spring GemFire 1.0.0.M1 released for Java and .NET
I am happy to announce the first milestone release of the Spring GemFire project, the newest member in the Spring family. Spring GemFire (for short SGF) brings the Spring concepts and programming model to GemFire, SpringSource's distributed data management platform. The release is available for both Java and .NET.
The features in 1.0.0.M1 include:
- declarative dependency injection style configurations for the GemFire infrastructure (such as Cache, Region, Interest, etc)
- exception translation to Spring's portable DataAccess exception hierarchy
- Template and callback support for easy native API access
- transaction management support
- Spring-backed wiring for GemFire managed objects
- auto-generation of non-reflection based Instantiators
Note that some of these features are currently available only in the Java version.
Through SGF, Spring users should feel right at home when interacting with GemFire while developers familiar with GemFire will see the benefits and flexibility of the Spring container, its powerful AOP integration, and versatile service abstractions. But don't take my word for it - download the project and take the sample application for a spin. It's a console based 'shell' which allows for ad-hoc interaction with the data grid; one can start and stop nodes and see the information shared transparently between multiple clients.
We look forward to your feedback!