This week in Spring: February 22nd, 2011

Engineering | Josh Long | February 23, 2011 | ...

What a week! Lots of good, foundational content available this week from, and for, the community. Let's get right to it.

     <li> <a href="">Rossen Stoyanchev</a> continues the whirlwind introduction to the new features in Spring 3.1, this time with a look at the MVC namespace and @Configuration-based improvements. </li>
  1. Chris Beams blogged about the upcoming FeatureSpecification support in Spring 3.1 Feature Specifications provide the same features as the XML namespace infrastructure elements, like <tx:annotation-driven>, in a Java configuration-centric way. This is a very powerful feature, and this blog post is the best way to get started.
  2. SpringSource Tool Suite lead Christian Dupuis - tweets that users can now download STS without submitting to the registration form. Very cool!
  3. <li> Can't get enough Spring? 

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  4. Glyn Normington has just announced the Eclipse Virgo 3.0.0.M01 release is now available for download. The new version features tighter integration with the Eclipse stack, including the Eclipse Virgo Jetty server. Additionally it features tighter integration with Equinox.

    				 Last week, the Spring Integration team released 2.0.3 of the Spring Integration framework. Lots of good fixes and features in this release. Additionally, it's a minimum version to work with the latest Spring BlazeDS release,  <a href="">so check it out now.</a> 
    				<li> Dr. Mark Lui and others at <a href="">Shopzilla</a> have put together a post on their <a href="">use of the Spring Integration framework at Shopzilla and how to use it.</a> Pretty cool, guys!  
  5. So excited was Nicolas Labrot about the prospect of using Grails as a view in Spring MVC after seeing it announced in the upcoming Spring 3.1 features that he went and implemented a prototype of the feature. Check it out! Looks promising.
  6. 						<li> Ken Rimple, co-author of the upcoming <em>Spring Roo in Action</em> has written up an
    							introduction to the Spring Container's support for BeanPostProcessors, which allow you to tailor the way beans in the context are registered. This is a very good introduction to one of the Spring container's most powerful features. <a href="">Check it out! </a> </li>
    					Cody Burleson</a>  pens an introduction to using <a  href="">Spring, the Dojo JavaScript framework, and WebSphere portlet support in RAD</a> together.  
    		 					<li>The Java Code Geeks are at it again, this time with a look at their view    <a href="">domain-driven design using Spring and AspectJ.  

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