Get Started With Spring

News | Chloe Jackson | August 26, 2011 | ...

Spring provides an incredibly powerful and flexible collection of technologies to improve your enterprise Java application development that is used by millions of developers. It is easy to get started by using our free development tool, Spring Tool Suite, or following one of the many tutorials. If you have specific questions then you can ask them in the community forum, look for a solution in our extensive code samples or search the outstanding Spring documentation.


Get Everything You Need

Spring Tool Suite™ provides the best Eclipse-based development environment for building Spring-powered enterprise applications. STS supplies all the tools you need for developing with the latest enterprise Java and Spring based technologies.

Start a Tutorial

If you are new to Spring or need to learn about a new feature, our tutorials explain key concepts simply and provide step by step instructions on how to accomplish specific tasks. With screencasts, example code and expert tips, you can master Spring at your own pace.
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Grab a Code Sample

Spring code samples give you precise code that you can use directly in your applications. Samples written by the Spring experts and make sure that your applications are the following best practices.
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Read the Documentation

Spring documentation covers every aspect of the platform in exacting detail. If you need to find specific information about the APIs or understand how Spring works internally, then search through our comprehensive and deep technical publications.
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Ask a Question (Forums)

Have a question? The Spring forums are a vibrant resource with thousands of users asking and answering questions every day.
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Take a Class (Training)

SpringSource University is your ultimate source for developer-focused education. You can take our open-source classes in a classroom setting or live, online to get a better understanding of the Spring Framework, Apache Tomcat and other open source projects and get Spring Certified.
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Video Instruction

The SpringSourceDev YouTube channel provides a complete video archive of Spring presentations and technical screencasts. These recordings by Spring experts give you development guides and tips for all skill levels.
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