Save over € 350,- on Core Spring Amsterdam Registration

News | Mark Baars | September 14, 2011 | ...

This week you can save € 367,50 on a Core Spring Registration in Amsterdam. Make sure to sign up before Wednesday and save 15% on the official Core Spring training and learn to:

  • Use the Spring Framework to develop Java applications
  • Use dependency injection to set up and configure applications
  • Test Spring-based applications
  • Set up Spring configuration using XML, annotations, and Java configuration
  • Use Hibernate and JDBC with Spring to access relational databases
  • Use Spring support for transactions
  • Use aspect-oriented programming (AOP) to add behavior to objects
  • and much more

Completion of this training also entitles each student to receive a free voucher to schedule an exam at a Pearson VUE Center to become a Spring Certified Professional

Register Now and use the discount code: lastminute15

For a Core Spring Training near you please click here for the schedule

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