Video: SpringOne 2GX Keynote - Spring, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

News | Adam Fitzgerald | November 30, 2011 | ...

SpringOne 2GX 2011 Opening Keynote: Adrian Colyer

SpringOne 2GX 2011 was a phenomenal event and thanks to InfoQ, if you were not able to attend in person you can still see much of the content. The first video is from the Opening Night Keynote with Adrian Colyer. Adrian recaps the core principles underlying Spring and then surveys the development progress in the Data, Mobile, Social and Platform-as-a-Service spaces. Adrian also invites Graeme Rocher up to the stage to provide an update on Grails development. Derek Collison also makes a guest appearance to demonstrate some of the great features available in Cloud Foundry.

A shareable version of Adrian's slides are also available on our SpringOne 2GX 2011 Keynote Presentations page.

Many thanks to InfoQ for coming to Chicago to record so many of the fantastic SpringOne 2GX presentations.

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