Video: SpringOne 2GX - Cloud Foundry with Spring: Using Services

News | Adam Fitzgerald | January 24, 2012 | ...

SpringOne 2GX Video: Cloud Foundry with Spring: Using Services

SpringOne 2GX 2011 was filled with great cloud content. In this presentation we get to learn how to use services with Spring on Cloud Foundry. This presentation is given by Spring and Cloud Foundry experts, Ramnivas Laddad, Jennifer Hickey and Scott Andrews. Together they cover all the details you need to understand about connecting your application to cloud services including auto-reconfiguration, cloud namespace, profile support, Java configuration and external service support. This is a great explanation about why Cloud Foundry is the best cloud platform for running you Spring applications.

Many thanks to InfoQ for coming to Chicago to record so many of the fantastic SpringOne 2GX presentations.

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