This Week in Spring, February 7th, 2012

Engineering | Josh Long | February 08, 2012 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring . As usual, a lot to look at, so let's get to it.

    <LI> The <a href="" target="_blank">1.0.0.RC1 version of Spring Mobile</a> has just been released. Spring Mobile provides an integration API that makes it easier for Spring MVC applications to build mobile client-specific applications.
    <LI> Chris Richardson&#39;s talk, <a href="" target="_blank"><EM>Polyglot Persistence for Java Developers</EM></a>, has just been released. This is another great talk from SpringOne2GX, and  a good watch for anybody who wants a look at how to exploit the strengths of this new breed of NoSQL data stores.
    	Stephen Bohlen&#39;s talk from SpringOne2GX, <a href="" target="_blank"><EM>Spring and Platform Interoperability</EM></A>, which demonstrates how Spring and Spring.NET can be used to cross the platform divide between .NET and Java, is up and available.
    	<LI> Blogger Matt Raible just gave a talk introducing Spring 3.1 to the Spring User Group in Silicon Valley. Why is this news? Because he was nice enough to share the fruits of his work with us! 
    	 Check out <A href="" target="_blank">Matt Raible&#39;s What&#39;s New in Spring 3.1</A> talk. (You might need to scroll down a bit)
    <li> <EM>Spring in Practice</EM> author Willie Wheeler has put out some content from his upcoming book on 
    	<A href="" target="_blank">Creating Your First Spring MVC application</A>. 
    	 As usual, Willie&#39;s content is always worth a read.
    	<LI> The gents at Cake Solutions are back it, this time with a blog on using the <A href="" target="_blank">Spring Framework and the Cake Pattern from Scala</a>. The Cake Pattern describes using Scala&#39;s mixin mechanism to have some dependencies automatically satisfied at compile time. 
    		Good stuff.
    		Last week we looked at Tobias Flohre&#39;s article on a business component architecture with Spring 3.0 and 3.1. This week&#39;s followup, <a href="" target="_blank">a business component architecture with Spring 3.0/3.1 - Part 2: Resources</A>, looks at low level data access and transaction management using Spring&#39;s Java configuration style.
    				On the blog, blogger Rahul has written up 
    				<a href="" target="_blank">form processing in Spring MVC 3 using xml configuration</A>.  
    					This article explains how to use the more <em>classic</EM> approach to using Spring MVC, using XML. 

    This, of course, isn't required today, but it's nice to know what the mechanism looks like, under the hood.


    Tobias Trelle is back with another installment of his series on Spring Data. This one, on Spring Data's MongoDB support, shows how easy it is to access a MongoDB data store from Spring. This introduction goes from 0-60 very quickly, starting with MongoDB's installation and the shell and then progressing to an application that uses Spring Data. Nice job, Tobias! Keep up the good work.

  1. Every week I check the News & Events page on This week i was pleased as punch to find that there were not one, but two interesting webinars coming up. The first webinar, Messaging for Modern Applications on February 9th (that's this Thursday!), describes how to use RabbitMQ and Spring Integration to architect truly elastic, scalable applications in the cloud. There are two times for this webinar, one for Europe, and another for North America.

    The second webinar, Creating Spring Insight Plugins on February 16th, describes Spring Insight's pluggable architecture. There are also two times for this webinar, one for Europe, and another for North America.

    I hope to see you there.

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