This Week in Spring, February 21st, 2012

Engineering | Josh Long | February 22, 2012 | ...

Wow! Another week's come and gone, and, as usual, a lot of great content's been created for the community, and often by the community. Let's get to it!

	<LI> First, the big news: <a href ="">Spring Framework 3.1.1's Been Released</A>!  
	   The first maintenance release in the Spring 3.1.x line is now available via Maven Central, the <a href="">SpringSource repository</a>, or for direct download from our <a target="_blank" href=";version=3.1.1.RELEASE">community download page</a>.  This release includes many <a href=";version=12706">important bugfixes and minor improvements</a> and is a recommended upgrade. 
	<LI> <a href = "">Dr. David Syer's SpringOne2GX talk, <EM>Identity Management With Spring Security,</EM></A> 

covers Single Sign On, security standards (including SAML, OpenID, OAuth, SCIM, JWT), how Spring Security can fit in, as well as demoing identity management as a service.

  • Roy Clarkson and I gave a talk at SpringOne 2GX 2011 introducing Native Android Development Practices . The session covers Spring MVC support for device detection, REST implementation for handling device requests and Spring Android support for organizing calls from the mobile client to the server.

  • Spring Social Lead Craig Walls announced Spring Social LinkedIn 1.0.0 RC1. This releases sees the finalization of the support for the LinkedIn API, thanks to community contributions.
  • The new Micro Cloud Foundry version, 1.2, has been released and features a whole slew of new features, including an easier offline experience, and debugging support in SpringSource Tool Suite.
  • InfoQ has published Cloud Foundry architect Derek Collison's talk from SpringOne2GX 2011, Cloud Foundry Inside the Machine, which offers a detailed look at Cloud Foundry's architecture. This perspective can inform our work as developers on Cloud Foundry.
  • <LI>  In the SpringOne 2GX video, <a href="">Tuning Java for Virtual Environments with EM4J</A>, <a href= "">Ben Corrie</A> provides a    

    thorough overview of Java memory management, how things work differently in virtual environments and what you can do about it to avoid problems.


    If you missed the recent Cloud Foundry webinar that covered Spring development, you can catch the video replay on the Cloud Foundry YouTube channel. In this video, Ramnivas Laddad shows you how to take a real Spring application and target it to Cloud Foundry using both STS and the vmc command line.

    	Spring Data Document Lead Oliver Gierke announced that <a href ="">Spring Data Mongodb 1.0.1 GA has been released</A>.
    	<li> Javier Manzano's posted a blog about <a href = ""> efficient RESTful services with Spring Android</A>.  Interestingly, I also found <a href="">this blog, in Spanish, which seems to be the same thing, just translated.</A>
    	 <li> The Java CodeGeeks has an article up, <A href =""> on setting up a Spring 3 Development environment</A>. The article introduces the basics, but you can shortcut most of those steps by setting up a JDK and <a href="">STS</A>, as commenters note at the bottom of the page.
  •  In this blog, on <a href ="">Sending Email Attachments with Spring Integration</A>, blogger <EM>Glenn</EM> introduces Spring Integration, the flow of a use case that requires email attachments, and  example code, to boot! </li>
  • Artur Mkrtchyan introduces Spring Data & MongoDB in this DZone article. He first establishes an example in code, and then introduces the cleaner Spring Data Document-based code.
  • <LI> Also on DZone, blogger Roger Hughes has written up a great article on the handy class, <a href = "">the <CODE>SimpleMappingExceptionHandler</CODE></A>, which maps exceptions to error pages in Spring MVC.
    		Blogger <a href="">ngjweb</A> has written up a great overview on 
    		 <a href= "">Securing Spring Faces Webflow 2 flows with Spring Security 3</A>. 

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