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Learn moreWelcome to another installment of This Week in Spring. We've got a lot of good stuff to look at, as usual.
Since you're here, though, let's talk about the <a href="" target="_blank">Cloud Foundry Open Tour</a>, which is an event bringing the industry's best talent and speakers on Spring, Cloud Foundry, and much more to a town near you in America, Asia and Europe. The full itinerary's provided on the linked page, but if you're in (or near) Shanhai, Beijing, Tokyo, London, Moscow, Kiev, San Francisco, Portland, Austin, and Washington D.C., then you should not miss this event - <a href="" target="_blank">the tour will be in your backyard!</A>
I hope to see you there, as always.
<LI> Spring Social lead Craig Walls' video from SpringOne2GX 2011, <a href="" target="_blank">Spring Social for the New Web of APIs</A>, is up on InfoQ. The video introduces the challenges of secure RESTful web services, OAuth, and the myriad of implementations across the various, popular <EM>social</EM> APIs, and then he introduces the <a href="" target="_blank">Spring Social</a> project, which provides the solution to these problems. </LI>
<LI> My SpringOne2GX 2011 talk, on <a href="" target="_blank">Tailoring Spring for Custom Usage</A>, is up on InfoQ, along with a lot of <a href="" target="_blank">other great SpringOne 2GX content</a>. The idea is that while most of us are familiar with the surface level component model, Spring's real power lies just underneath that component model, in the numerous SPIs and extension hooks. The other Spring projects, including Spring Integration, Spring Batch and Spring MVC, all build on top of these slightly lower level framework hooks, and you can too. The deck is available for download <a href="" target="_blank">from my presentations page</A>, as well. </LI>
<LI>In the recent <a href="" target="_blank">Messaging for Modern Applications webinar</A>, <a href="" target="_blank">Tom McCuch</A> explained how the landscape of enterprise messaging has changed and discusses what new styles of solutions are emerging. It's a great video by an industry legend, and definitely worth a watch. </li>
<LI> Over on the Xebia blog, Shekhar Gulati talks about how to use <a href="" target="_blank">Spring 3.1's profile features to build PaaS-portable Spring applications</A>. In the example, he uses Spring Roo and MongoDB. </LI>
<LI> Mark Baars put together a more comprehensive outline of some great tutorials that are available on <a href="" target="_blank">introducing Hyperic, tcServer, and GemFire, all part of the vFabric stack</A>.</LI>
This blog seems needlessly verbose, however; the takeaway should be that, with Spring's TaskExecutor
SPI, you can choose the implementation that's appropriate to your needs and use it in lots of different places, including in Java SE, Java EE, and on the cloud.
annotation, and describes how to get Jackson and JAXB annotation-based marshaling in Spring MVC for the cost of just one mapping on the entities.