This Week in Spring, May 1, 2012

Engineering | Josh Long | May 01, 2012 | ...

Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! I'm writing the back of the room during Adrian Colyer's amazing keynote at SpringOne On The Road - London event.

  1. Did you guys miss Oleg Zhurakousky's webinar, Practical Tips and Tricks with Spring Integration? Have no fear, the video is available online.

    Also, be sure to check out part 2, this Wednesday, May 3rd for both Europe and North America!

    	<LI> <a href = "">Roy Clarkson</A> has announced the <a href = "">latest release of Spring Mobile</A>.  
    		 The release has several enhancements including more refined resolution, and improved site switching behavior. 
    		<LI>  <a href = "">Jonathan Brisbin</A> just announced <a href="">Spring Data REST 1.0.0.M1</a>, which is a servlet-based web application 
    			   that can be used to export JPA Repositories over HTTP to create RESTful endpoints that user agents can access to manage your exposed JPA Entities. </LI>
  2. Blogger Daniel Sawano has put together two blogs introducing how to use Spring MVC with Scala. The first blog introduces a simple Scala-Java hybrid Spring MVC application setup, and the second blog introduces how to build a more advanced Spring MVC example with RESTful endpoints using Scala. Nice job, Daniel!
  3. Our pal Jan Machacek over at Cake Solutions has put together a really cool blog on how to use Akka (an actor framework), Spray (an HTTP framework on top of Akka) and Spring together.
  4. Blogger mkyong has a nice introduction on how to use Google App Engine to setup a RESTful Spring MVC application on Google App Engine.
  5. Blogger Maciej Walkowiak has a fanastic blog on how to force Spring Data MongoDB to cascade saves to related document objects annotated with @DbRef.
  6. Over on the Rai Studies blog, there's a few good blog posts on setting up Spring MVC3 CRUD applications using MyBatis 3.
  7. Our friend Tobias Trelle has another installment of his fantastic series introducing Spring Data. This post introduces Redis.
  8. The Thymeleaf project, and Soraya Sánchez, in particular, has put together a wonderful example showing how to rework the classic Spring PetClinic sample application to use the powerful Thymeleaf templating engine.
  9. Tomcat engineer Filip Hanik has put together a wonderful blog introducing how to use WebSockets in Apache Tomcat 7.
  10. <LI> Blogger <em>Matt Vickery</em> has a great blog introducing how to 
    	<a href   = "">use header enrichment in Spring Integration to store  payload data</A>. 
  11. Our friend Willie Wheeler, author of Manning's Spring in Practice, has a great post on using Spring Data JPA to create dynamic DAOs and queries.
  12. Billy Sjöberg has a great blog on using Spring Integration to bridge AMQP and JMS.
  13. Over on Xebia's Xebee blog, Anita Parida has put together a great blog introducing how to setup LDAP authentication using Spring Security.
  14. The CandidJava blog has a very... candid look at how to setup file uploads in Spring MVC that map to a domain model in the backend.
  15. Check out this blog if you want a narrated example introducing how to do Spring MVC 3.0, and Hibernate, with annotations.
  16. AMQP's a powerful technology, and RabbitMQ, the leading AMQP-based message broker, is even more so. However, one common question I get is: what other implementations are there? This blog has the top 5 implementations (though, clearly not in order, because RabbitMQ would have to be #1, otherwise!)
  17. Want to manage JTA transactions on JBoss AS 7 using Spring and Hibernate? This gist by ggerard shows one possible configuration.

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